Jem Character Analysis Essay examples

Submitted By Marsha-Phillips
Words: 725
Pages: 3

Jem Character Changes of Chapters 16-31 Jem want to be like his father an example of this in the book on page 224 when Atticus is cross-examining Bob Ewell. "Jem's hand, which was resting on the balcony railing, thigh twined around it. He drew in his breath suddenly." Jem is very worried about his father and he has a hundred percent focus in what is happening. He draws his breath and tightens the railing showing that he might be imagining himself in Atticus' shoes.
Jem is a fair person. You can really see this when they first announce Tom Robinson’s verdict, that he was guilty this can be found on page 284. Jem began crying and saying, “It ain’t right,". Jem doesn't see that Tom is a black person he only sees him as a person. This is also seen on the next page (285) when Jem questions Atticus about it because he doesn't understand why they would do that to Tom.
Jem’s character is very pure and unknowing to the cruel world. This is a lesson he learns throughout the book but you can clearly see his young unhurt mind. When he is saying to Atticus, “I know it’s not right, but I can't figure out what's wrong-maybe rape shouldn't be a capital offense.” (Lee 294) He doesn't know the actuality of rape and seriousness of it. He is putting an opinion out though which is another sign of his coming of age.
Jem is beginning to see the real world and he doesn't like it. When he is talking to Scout he says, “ I think I am beginning to understand why Boo Radley’s stayed shut up in the
Phillips 2 house all this’s because he wants to stay inside.” As he is becoming older it is coming to his realization that the world is as terrible as it is and he feels like he wants to be locked in his house as Boo Radley is. Making this connection to Boo Radley shows a turning point in Jem’s character.
Following in his father footsteps Jem is learning and wants to be a lawyer so he can help defend people. Jem defends a bug on page 320, when Scout tries to smush it. When Scout asks why she can't mash the bug, “Because they don't bother you,” was Jem’s response. You can see Jem going through all these phases in the book and it highlights the “coming of age” theme in the novel.
Jem thinks that now that he is older he can’t do “childish” things. An example of this can be found on page 338, “Jem considered himself too old for Halloween anyway; he said he wouldn't be caught anywhere near high school at something like that.” He think that he now is thirteen and in high school he can’t go with Scout to the Hallon