In Japan there are two distinct personality traits that are unique to the Japanese culture: chinmoku and honne/tatemae. Chinmoku is silence, honne is one’s personal intention, and tatemae is one’s intention that is shaped by majority norms. Although there is silence everywhere in the world, it is more common and lasts longer in Japan than in the United States. As for honne and tatemae, they serve to show how Japan dislikes direct expression much more than the United States does. With these two large differences in communication norms, it makes sense that there would be quite a bit of miscommunication between Japan and America. This miscommunication could potentially lead to many consequences between Japan and US relations, because Japan could easily misunderstand America’s forwardness and America could easily misunderstand Japan’s reserved communication.
One negative consequence that could result from America misunderstanding Japan is that Japan may take Americans to be extremely rude and greedy if they unintentionally respond in an inappropriate way. The example in the book states that if in Japan one is asked, “Won’t you dine with us?” the guest knows that the appropriate response is, “Thank you very much, but I am not hungry.” If one was to accept the offer, it could potentially be seen as very thoughtless and impolite. If an America visits Japan and is asked this, they would most likely not respond in the appropriate way, because that is not how things work in America. Although this example would not be seen in business relationships, it serves to show how easily Americans can misunderstand the Japanese. This miscommunication could lead to the Japanese feeling disrespected or uncomfortable, which could potentially lead to undesirable consequences within the international relationship between Japan and America. The miscommunication between Japan and America could go the other way as well, where Americans might mistake Japan’s reserveness for rudeness. In America we do not use silence “as a communicative skill” like in Japan, we use it more as a “form of emptiness between spoken words.” The book uses different scenarios to describe the many different ways in which Japan uses silence. One example is, “Thus a man of few words is trusted more than a man of many words.” In America I believe that it is quite the opposite, normally one is seen as less trustworthy when they are sit back and observe a conversation, then when they are active in a
Z Pedagogy The course will employ lectures, class discussion, in-class individual and team assignments, and individual and team homework and projects. Students will make one team presentation during the class. Students will prepare X individual presentations for class, each covering a blah, blah, blah. In the final project, students apply blah, blah, blah. In addition to the written assignment, each student will present highlights of their project to the class. Required Text(s) 1. XXX…
For this assignment, we analyze 3 components to assess expanding business into certain countries. 1. Which Countries to Expand into 2. Ensure Expatriate Satisfaction 3. Overall cost reduction Before jumping in, let’s discuss the benefits multinationals can get from sending expatriates to countries. First, international assignments help managers acquire the skills necessary to develop successful strategies in a global context. Essentially, this will help create more well-rounded valuable resources…
Please Follow These Procedures: If requested by your mentor, use an assignment cover sheet as the first page of the word processor file. The assignment header should include the Learner’s last name, first initial, course code, dash, and assignment number (DoeJXXX0000-1) justified to the left and the page number justified to the right. Keep a Photocopy or Electronic Copy of Your Assignments: You may need to re-submit assignments if your mentor has indicated that you may or must do so. Academic Integrity:…
AP World History Summer Assignment 2012-2013 Welcome to AP World History! I am looking forward to having you in class in the fall and know you are at least looking forward to being sophomores! This course requires an excellent work ethic and dedication in order to achieve success. Success in this class will not only mean the opportunity to take and do well on the AP exam in May, but also gaining necessary study skills needed for future high school and college classes. In light of the fact we must…
Chapter 1 Assignment 2. For sure you can't compare real costs of vacation (measured in dollars) to benefits, which are measured in psycological pleasure. But you can compare benefits to the opportunity cost. The opportunity cost is something that must be given up to obtain an item. Making good desicions requires comparing the costs and benefits of alternative choices. 3. The true cost of going skiing in first case is the money I could've earned while working, instead of skiing. In the second…
example of how you can get started on Assignment #1. You do not need to follow this format…it’s just one approach of many possibilities! Example Title: A comparison of two disasters: the 2010 Haiti earthquake vs. the 2011 Japan earthquake Introduction & overview (including overall ‘thesis/main argument’) Para 1: In January 2010, a devastating earthquake struck Haiti. A year and 2 months later, on March, 2011, a much bigger earthquake devastated northern Japan. Although both earthquakes happened…
AUSTRALIA Assignment Cover Sheet – Internal Please note: All text based assessment tasks should be submitted electronically using learnonline Gradebook. A cover sheet is automatically created and includes your name and student ID therefore you should not upload or embed the document in your assignment. If submitting your assignment in hard copy you should complete and attached this Assignment Cover Sheet. Please check your Course Outline or contact your School Office for assignment submission…
The research of East Asian commercial trade transition in recent 30 years Based on china Korea and Japan Stephanie Hu Contents Abstract 1. Introduction 2. China’s commercial trade transition 3. Comparison of Japan and Korea 4. The causes of transition in commercial trade 5. The result of commercial trade transition 6. Conclusion and evaluation Bibliography 1. Introduction 1.1 General statement of the topic Nearly thirty years, great changes…
Document: Theodore Roosevelt: The Threat of Japan, 1909 [At Mt. Holyoke] Introduction: For my history assignment, I chose the document “Theodore Roosevelt’s The Threat of Japan”. After the Meiji Restoration in 1868, modernization took place, bringing Japan to the height of power equivalent to a western power after defeating both China and Russia. United States was maintaining its policy of isolationism but was slowly transitioning to self interest imperialism, keeping control over countries…
Direct Investment ;80% by 500 largest firms(Body shop, Next, Wal-mart, Toyota etc) Triad: geographic locales accounting for most of the world’s international business Examples-US (wal-mart, GM, Ford motors), EU (Shell gp, British petroleum) , Japan (toyota). lecture #1 by: Ms. Sarah Badar 4 Introduction to International Business Two Common Types of Int. Business: Exports & Imports Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Steps to Maintain Economic Competition: Create necessary conditions…