James Monroe Essay examples

Submitted By gaby9898
Words: 707
Pages: 3

{ April 19, 1809} After negotiations with British minister Erskine, Madison issues a proclamation -- known as the Erskine Agreement -- revoking the embargo on Britain
{Jan. 10,1803} Prompted by tensions with Spain over West Florida, Madison calls for renewal of an act authorizing the President to call out 100,000 militiamen, fill up the regular army to its authorized strength, establish a force of 20,000 volunteers for immediate emergencies, and components of the naval fleet.
{May 1, 1810} Congress passes Macon's Bill Number 2, which allows American ships to carry French or English goods while barring belligerent powers from American ports.
{Oct. 27, 1810} Madison issues a proclamation authorizing occupation of West Florida, also claimed by Spain, as part of the Louisiana Purchase.
{Feb. 2, 1811} Madison reestablishes nonintercourse with Britain {April 02, 1812 - December 13, 1901 }Congress passes an embargo, effective through July 4, on all shipping to give shippers the opportunity to get their vessels to safe haven.
{April 15, 1812} Louisiana is admitted to the nation as the eighteenth state of the Union.
{June 18, 1812} Madison issues a declaration of war against Britain.
{Dec. 9, 1813} Madison calls for a total embargo on exports and a ban on all imports of British origin, believing that Britain depends on trade with the United States. Congress passes the embargo just days later.
{March 27, 1814} Under the command of Andrew Jackson, 2,000 troops defeat the Creek Confederation at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in the Tallapoosa River, eliminating the Confederation as an obstacle to American expansion toward the Gulf Coast.
{March 31, 1814} Madison calls for an immediate repeal of the trade embargo with neutral nations, signaling a major reassessment of American war aims and strategy. He signs the bill into law on April 14.

Madison was the most successful and possibly the most influential of all the Founding Fathers. Known as a strong nationalist and supporter of a powerful central government as the author of the Constitution, Madison nevertheless resisted extreme centralism with his Bill of Rights, Virginia Resolution, and opposition to Hamilton. Similarly, when he became President, Madison saw the need for a national bank and supported its establishment, enlarged government powers during the war, and took a firm federal stance in the face of treason and sedition.


student of history and government, well-read in law, he participated in the framing of the Virginia Constitution in 1776, served in the Continental Congress, and was a leader in the Virginia Assembly.
He established the Democrat-Republican Party with President Thomas Jefferson,
He was elected to the Orange County Committee of Safety in December of 1774, and joined the Virginia militia as a colonel the following year.
In 1777, Madison lost his bid for a seat in the Virginia Assembly,