Issuing Credit Based On A Deduction From An Invoice Essay

Submitted By smpaez22
Words: 435
Pages: 2

Issuing credit based on a deduction from an Invoice
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After all analysis has been researched and validated…
Credit (Sandy) will enter into credit portal.
If credit amount is under the given threshold, credit will be automatically approved and entered/posted into Navision by AR (Letty)
If credit is over the given the threshold, the request of credit will be pending approval from Patrick or the appropriate approver.
Once credit is approved by the appropriate approver, an alert will be sent to AR (Letty) notifying AR of pending credit that needs to be posted/entered into Navision.
AR (Letty) will print out the credit memos and attached it to the backup provided by C & C Analyst (Sandy). It will then be filed with the checks in the file cabinets located in the meeting room.

Issuing Credit based on Deduction from an Invoice relating to Shipping

Lumper fee’s
Admin Fee’s
Pallet Fee’s
Late Fee’s
Unloading Fee’s
Loading Fee’s
Freight Fee’s
Shipping Fee’s

AR (Letty) will be given a threshold to automatically post to correct GL.
If over threshold, a Chargeback will be created and given to Credit & Collections
Credit & Collections will enter the deduction into the credit portal and request approval from Dan Herriage.
Once given the approval, Patrick will approve the credit portal and an alert will be sent to AR (Letty) notifying AR of pending credit that needs to be posted/entered into Navision.
AR (Letty) will print out the credit memos and attached it to the backup provided by C & C Analyst (Sandy).