For additional information contact:
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Business Editor
>Insert Publication Name<
>Insert Publication Address<
New Medical Billing Service Founded >Insert your company name<, a new company offering comprehensive cash flow solutions to doctors and general businesses alike, was established today by >insert your name<.
According to >insert your last name<, the new company will handle the entire claims filing process for medical providers, as well as the outstanding receivables, credit card processing, and miscellaneous cashflow needs of those same providers and of small to medium businesses. “We can help almost any business achieve better continuity,” >Insert your last name< said, “allowing the business or practice to get back to its core competency. It’s amazing how sidetracked the average doctor can get just by doing paperwork. In some cases it can cripple the practice.” Indeed, poor cash flow is cited as the number one cause of business failures in this country. As the current increase of government involvement continues to impede the progress of small businesses, more companies, especially medical providers, are turning to outside specialists to handle insurance claims, collections, and accounts receivable issues—much like they do for taxes and legal matters. Electronic claims filing can reduce the time between filing and payment to only a few days, versus the traditional waiting period of several weeks. Other services can also dramatically improve current cash flow conditions. “Electronic Medical Claims (or EMC) filing is a timetested method of filing insurance claims,” >insert your last name< said, “and is growing larger day by day. We have also streamlined a method of preauthorized checking, also a wellknown technology, to help collect patient and customer payments more efficiently. Using our company is very similar to having your accountant file your taxreturn electronically.” >Insert your company name< will be soliciting medical providers and general businesses in the area to take advantage of their many customized services.
For additional information contact:
>Insert your contact name and phone here<
Business Editor >Insert Publication Name<
>Insert Publication Address<
Medical, Small Businesses Offered Cash Flow Help >insert your company name<, a cashflow solutions service specializing in offering medical providers easier filing of medical insurance claims, has recently opened an office in
>your town or market<. >Your name<, founder of the company, said that the new business will handle the entire insurance billing process for all kinds of medical provider, and can also customize a service to fit virtually any type of small to medium sized company. All told, this
includes filing and following claims, posting payments, collecting present and past due receivables, contact management, and even installing secure email and assisting with equipment financing needs. “In the health care field, filing insurance claims has become a major chore for the office personnel, and we bring decades of expertise in this field. I like to say we help doctors get out of the banking business. We help them and their staff to get back to the business at hand, which is helping patients,” said >your last name<. “This same principal applies across the board to all types of business. Particularly right now, our service is vital to cash flow, which is of course the lifeblood of any company.” >your last name< continued to explain how >your company name< uses electronic claims filing with realtime error checking and reporting—unique to
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APA Style|Library Guide Adapted from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. Call num. BF76.7.P83 2010 ESSENTIALS OF APA ESSAY STYLE Formatting the Essay Double-spaced; 1” (2.54 cm) margins on all sides Indent the first line of each paragraph Times New Roman or similar font Font size 12 point Components and Structure of the Essay 1) Title Page 2) Body of Essay (with in-text citations) 3) References (list of sources cited in essay) *Follow…
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1 What are in-text citations? These appear in the body of your work (e.g. as you write your essay). Harvard citations must provide the following information: • The surname of the author(s) or editor(s) of the source being cited • Publication year • AND where possible, the page numbers you have taken material from, (especially when quoting directly from a source). In-text citations (example 1) In the following example I have used a source (a book, written by Clegg) and I have…