Understand the roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infection.
My role in preventing infection within work areas are to undergo training provided by my employer, use the correct PPE when undertaking duties, maintain personal hygiene so that infection cannot be passed to a service user and to ensure that all equipment used is clean.
The employer’s role is to make sure training is completed, to provide necessary PPE, put policies and procedures in place, to undertake a risk assessment and to make sure that procedures are being followed.
Understand legislation and policies relating to prevention and control of infection
The Health and Safety at Work Act
Management of Health and Safety at Work Act
Food Safety Act
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation
Hazardous Waste Regulations
PPE at Work Regulations
Public Health (Control of Disease Act)
Where care is delivered heath care workers must be trained regarding prevention and control of infection, trained in hand decontamination and personal protective equipment. They must also be supplied with hand decontamination equipment, personal protective equipment and sharps containers. Make sure that all areas are disinfected.
Understand systems and procedures relation to the prevention and control of infections
Procedures for people within my care setting for prevention and control of infection are:
Wash your hands
Always wear PPE
Tie up hair
Clean equipment
Deal with any waste products
Hands must be washed and new PPE must be worn before each task is undertaken.
An infection outbreak within my care setting may lead to service users becoming more seriously ill than others due to their low immune system. There maybe reduced mobility and unpleasant signs and symptoms. The infection could possibly last longer than normal meaning that that person may need to be on additional medication for longer periods of time. The spread of infection form one service user to another is high so more care is needed when delivering care and maintaining control of these infections.
Understand the importance of risk assessment in relation to the prevention and control of infection
The term risk means that due to a situation there may be a chance of loss or injury.
The risk of infection within my work settings could be:
Assisting with personal hygiene where bodily fluids can be transferred. Assistance with using the toilet where again bodily fluids can be transferred, Preparation of food where surfaces have not been cleaned properly or food is not put into suitable containers for storage. Disposing of waste material and caring for a person that has already got an infection.
The steps that must be taken when carrying out a risk assessment are:
1. Identify the hazards
2. Decide who might be harmed and how
3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution
4. Record any findings and implement them
5. Review your assessment and update if necessary
Risk assessments are vital as a way of highlighting any risks that may be present and a way of trying to either eliminate the risk or reduce the risk. These should be continuously assessed and updated accordingly.
Understand the importance of using PPE in the prevention and control of infection
The different types of PPE available are: Aprons Gloves Over shoes Hair Covers
The use of PPE is important as it complies with legislation and it prevents transferring infections from one person to another.
PPE at Work Regulations provides the laws that apply to wearing of PPE in the work place.
My responsibility for PPE is that it should be worn, changed when undertaking different activities and disposed of properly. My employer is responsible for providing PPE and to make sure that I am informed with up to date legislation regarding the use of PPE.
Before I apply PPE I would
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