Individual Anxiety Doc Essay

Submitted By stellacook62
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Individual Anxiety, Mood/Affective, Dissociative/Somatoform Paper Stella Cook Sunday April 21, 2013 Psychology 410 Analu Sing, M.S.C.P

The Anxiety Disorder and Affective Disorders; Dissociative Disorders; Somatoform Disorders they will offer diagnosed categories and classifications for the use of diagnose and the treatments of mental disorders.

General Anxiety disorder primarily is the well known as the feeling of apprehension about the future and are more manageable than other anxiety disorders. Excessive disorders are categorized as and or described as acute stress disorder,(GAD) general anxiety disorder, (OCD)obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorders with or without agoraphobia, agoraphobia, anxiety disorders due to medical condition, (PTS) post traumatic stress disorder, social phobia disorder, specific phobia disorder and substance-induced disorder. The fears of anxiety are normal until such time as they are felt to have harm on one’s self their mental and physical well being then one should seek the advice of a professional.

Most people that have GAD will have the sense of being tense or agitated some of the time and can be controlled with meditation or exercise or a relaxation technique. Pervasive worrying in this group of individuals can lead to being irritable, insomnia, achy muscles, depression and general distress (Behave Net, 1997-2010). One may find that it is hard to control all those feelings and would eventually have to seek the help of a physician to have relief. Individuals that suffer from GAD there is no evidence that gender is affected between the treated and non-treated in other words there is no prejudice whether it be female or male no difference anxiety is anxiety. The fact is that a genetic component has no significance for GAD and is not gender related in any way. Individuals that have a fixation on GAD have a perceived risk for overestimating how server of a real perceived danger can be. Therefore can dramatically underestimate their ability to cope. Cognitively speaking this can represent and can lead to bouts with excessive worry and lead to further anxiety. GAD can contribute to a wide range of physical and mental symptoms nausea, sweating, dry mouth, this may affect their ability to enjoy a social or work situation.

The mood and affective disorders leave a person to have fluctuations in their day to day moods, whereas most people usually have a general speaking positive mood , however some individuals will experience moods of highs or lows and may have some combination of the two. Mood instability can include, major depression episode, mood disorders that are due to a medical condition, substance abuse mood disorder, bipolar disorder, cyclothymiacs disorder, mixed episode, manic episode and dysthymic disorder. The fine line between the normal mood fluctuation of an individual and the abnormal stability of an individual may be hard to pinpoint and this is the case of Cyclothymic Disorder(CD).

The Cyclothymic Disorder has a fine between a full blown bipolar episode and normal mood fluctuations this disorder also can have less server however but more constant mood swings, where the mood may vary between hypomanic highs and dysthymic lows (Hansel & Damour, 2008). There may not be a genetic marker that would account for an onset episode of cycloyjymic disorder would occur later on in life, it has been known that the cyclothymiacs would be linked to genetic-familial predisposition to bipolar II disorder (Albayrak, Caykoylu, Kuloglu, 2007). It is a fact that individuals that have mood disorders has a very low opinion of themselves in their minds they tend to hold negative thoughts in the world that