Essay on Im Not Scared Questions

Words: 1707
Pages: 7


1. Micheles group:
· Maria – micheles sister, little follower, copy cat
· Skull – oldest group member (aged 12), chief, gives orders, strong, brave
· Salvatore – micheles best friend, wealthy, kept to himself
· Barbara – fat
· Michele – standstill, nine years old

2. The children filled their days with riding bikes, playing football, steal-the-flag, one-two-three-star and lounging around doing nothing.
3. Acqua traverse consists of a welcome sign painted blue displaying acqua traverse in capital letters, four little homes and an old country villa lost within wheat.
4. Michele said he would do the forfeit for Barbara, so he was to cross a beam of wood from an old abandoned house on the second floor.

Michele discovers that filippo has been kidnapped and is reported missing, he belongs to a wealthy family, the family appealed for him to be returned to them safely.
19. This realisation affected Michele by thinking his father took children during the night and sold them to the gypsies, he also realised his father wasn't as good as he had always imagined,
20. Michele is scared to sleep in the same room as Sergio because he knew he took filippo and knew if he fell asleep he would take him too, put him in a sack and cut off his ears.
21. Filippo though him and his family were all dead and were all stuck in individual holes.
22. Filippo was 9 years old, has fine matted blonde hair, clotted blood sealed his eyes shut, His lips were black and cut, his nostrils were full of soot and scabs and his teeth were black.
23. The monsters are the wicked witches, the four legged werewolf, the bogeyman, Lazarus, the ogre, the gypsies the man with the circle, the fisherman and the octopus boy. A nine year old boy has a vivid imagination and it doesn't surprise me he is afraid of such twisted objects/nightmares.
24. Michele found in Sergio's suitcase clothes, a bottle of perfume, a flask of stock 84, a carton of cigarettes, a folder with a little packet of photos inside newspaper clippings also located in the folder a lined exercise book which belonged to filippo and at the bottom was a pistol wrapped in towel.
25. The scardaccione was the richest family in acqua traverse; they had