Identify Needs For Continued Personal And Professional Growth In Psychiatric Nursing
Submitted By cgrenea
Words: 2697
Pages: 11
Each student will participate in an inpatient psychiatric unit.
1. Arrive at the facility as outlined in clinical schedule.
2. Mental health facility dress is print or colored nursing uniforms or scrubs (colored top and black pants acceptable, no all white). Students violating the dress code will be removed from the clinical area and will receive an unsatisfactory for the day. Name tags will be required (may cover last name).
3. Submit written assignments via assignment drop box by 0900 within one week after the clinical experience. Written assignments submitted after 0900 will be considered late.
4. Demonstrate ability to apply and analyze therapeutic communication skills to develop therapeutic relationships in a psychiatric setting.
5. Demonstrate ability to apply the nursing process to psychiatric problems.
6. Identify the roles of the various members of the psychiatric treatment team.
7. Identify legal and ethical issues in the delivery of nursing care in a psychiatric setting.
8. Participate in varying treatment modalities.
9. Identify needs for continued personal and professional growth in psychiatric nursing.
Instructions for VAMC 5E Assignment: Use online documents provided in “Course Content”.
1. Written assignment includes psychosocial pathophysiology, psychopharmacology, and process recording. See criteria for Evaluation of VAMC 5E or MRMC Pavilion written assignment. Submit via assignment drop box by 0900 within one week after scheduled clinical day. Written assignments submitted after 0900 will be considered late. Five points per calendar will be deducted for each day paper is late.
2. Find evaluation criteria for the VAMC 5E written assignment on the next page. Use “Online Process Recording Forms” to complete assignment.CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION OF VAMC 5E WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT Name_______________________________________ Graded By________________________
Psychosocial Pathophysiology:
Include description = 2pt; etiology = 2 pt; risk factors = 2 pt; signs/symptoms = 3 pt; therapies and medical treatments = 3 pt; and nursing implications = 3 pt; use two references. **Individualize with specifics to the client you observed for your IPR**
Complete medication sheets on all medications that your client is taking to treat their mental illness. (DO NOT DO MEDICATIONS FOR MEDICAL DIAGNOSES).
Process Recording
1st & 2nd Column: Recording of Interaction (Client & Nurse (10) statements):
Provides chronological, easy to follow record of the interaction. (4).
Includes nonverbal behaviors for client & nurse (4).
Consists of actual statements by client & nurse (5).
Highlight non-therapeutic and underline therapeutic (2).
3rd Column: Analysis (Of each statement):
Labels each statement correctly (ie. reflecting, restating, questioning) used by the nurse. (7)
Notes if communication technique used was therapeutic or non-therapeutic. (7)
Identifies rationale of communication techniques used by the nurse. (7)
Reflects on impact of own beliefs, values and feelings on communication process. (7)
Discusses choice of techniques in relation to client response and goal of interaction. (7)
4th Column: Alternative Responses:
Identifies and provides alternative therapeutic response (statement) for non-therapeutic responses with rationale (10)
Summary: Include a two paragraph closing summary. Include:
Evaluate effectiveness of interaction in relation to stated purpose (3).
Identify goals for future interactions (3).
Lists strengths and areas for improvement (3).
Provide specific strategies to enhance communication process (3).
Uses correct spelling, grammar, and terminology (2).
Uses designated format per guidelines (2).
Presents information clearly and in a logical sequence (2).
Reference page (2).
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