Huck Finn quotes Essay

Submitted By anniesull424
Words: 775
Pages: 4

Huck's decision to write a note, which he later tears up and does not send, returning Jim to slavery.
As one of the central idea, racism is constantly reoccurring in the novel of The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. However, though racism is constantly mentioned and exemplify, there was never a direct determined conclusion given by Mark Twain.
In one hand, there were many scholars and readers argues that The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is a racist book because of its overwhelmingly use of the offensive word" nigger". An example of racism would be Pap, Huck's father who was extremely racist, he felt that whites should be the dominant race, while blacks and other colors, should be dirt under his shoes. (This kind of meaning.) He also vented about how a "nigger" was free in Ohio, a mulatter. He even goes to extremes and says that he will never vote again as long as he lives.
In the other hand, I viewed the book as an anti-racism novel. Not only because the story plot mainly centrals helping a slave to escape out of slavery, but because of the story's over all reflection on the slave proves that a slave also deserves an equal amounts treatment on the human society just as everybody else should deserves it. One example would be nearing the end, Tom sings out about how Jim should be free and have his own rights. That he should not be controlled by other people. It seems to me that over time Tom changed, his viewpoints and perspective on life changed, and he wanted to help Jim escape to freedom.
Using the eyes of Huck. There were many moments in the book reflects that Jim, a symbol of the overall slaves, is just the same human-being as the ones that covered with white skins.
Readers claimed that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn featured the idea of racism because the N word was constantly used throughout book. Another critical concern was that Jim came off as a homosexual partner or father figure to Huck. People critiqued that Jim's a racial stereotype to the African American community, while Twain's defenders said he used the character to expose hypocrisy. Some readers claim that Twain is trying to critiqued the society through his works.
As the novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published in the 1884, it caused a American literature revolution by exploring the new way of writing for letting the fictional character Huck, who speaks with a natural, slangy first-person narration, as the narrator. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was a out-breaking change, and it honors success that Twain was able to duplicate
Since its publication in 1884, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been a target of censors in high schools, colleges, libraries, and religious institutions. One reason people have banned, or attempted to ban, the book is its characterization of Huckleberry Finn as a wayward child who defies his elders and society in general. Another reason, cited by some black Americans, is that the book seems to depict Jim as a negative stereotype that racists use to reinforce