HR management notes Essay

Submitted By thansen4
Words: 736
Pages: 3

HRM - Designing management systems to ensure that human talent is used effectively and efficiently to accomplish organizational goals.
Core competence - A unique capability that creates high value and differentiates an organization from its competition.
HRM functions:
Strategic HRM – effectiveness, metrics, technology, planning, retention
Equal employment opportunity – compliance, diversity, affirmative action
Staffing – job analysis, recruiting, selection
Talent management – orientation, training, HR development, career planning, performance management
Total rewards – compensation, incentives, benefits
Risk management and worker protection – health and wellness, safety, security, disaster and recovery planning
Employee and labor relations – employee rights and privacy, HR policies, Union management relations
Ethics – written code of ethics and standards of conduct, employee training on ethical behaviors, advice to employees on ethical situations, confidential reporting of ethical problems
HRM roles: Administrative – personal practices and procedures, legal compliance forms and paperwork Operational actions – managing employee relationship issues, employee advocate Strategic HR – organizational/business strategies, HR strategic planning, evaluation of HR effectiveness
Organizational culture – shared values and beliefs in an organization, internal “climate” of the organization that employees, managers, customers, and others experience, affects service/quality, productivity and financial results when aligned with HR values and organizational goals, is affected by differences in cultural dimensions across and within countries
HRM competencies and careers – strategic knowledge, HR knowledge, change leadership, results orientation, ethical credibility
Strategic planning process – organizational mission-SWOT analysis-establishing goals and objectives-formulate organizational strategies-implement-evaluate and reassess
HR metrics: HR staff and expenses – HR to employee ratio, total HR staff, HR expenses per FTE Staffing – number of positions filled, time to fill, cost per hire, annual turnover rate Compensation – annual wage and salary increases, payroll as a percentage of operating expenses, benefit cost as a percentage of a payroll Training – hours of training per employee, total cost for training, percentage of employees participating in tuition reimbursement program Retention and quality – average tenure of employee, percentage of new hires retained for 90 days, performance quality of employees in first year Development – positions filled initially, percentage of employee with career plan
Protected classes – race, ethnicity, color, gender/sex, physical/mental disabilities, military, religion, marital status, sexual orientation
Types of discrimination – disparate treatment (standards & relatedness), disparate impact
Sexual harassment – actions that are sexually directed, are unwanted, and subject the worker to adverse employment conditions or create a hostile work environment
ADA – physical or mental impairment that: substantially limits that person in some major life activities, has record of the impact, is regarded as having an impairment
ADEA – age discrimination in employment act (40+ years, 20+ employees, claims increasing
OWBPA – older workers benefits protection act (waivers for age discrimination, phased retirement)
IRCA – immigration reform control acts (I-9, verify documents)
EEO – the concept that all individuals should have equal treatment in all