Essay about How to Be a Flapper

Submitted By Jenny-Lloyd
Words: 586
Pages: 3

How To Be A Flapper center5016500 Know what a Flapper girl is.
The dictionary defines a flapper as - "A young woman, especially one in the 1920s, who showed disdain for conventional dress and behaviour." In the 1920s women were gaining more independence (e.g. being given the right to vote) so America as the people knew it then was changing. The style came around after the First World War, and women were sick of following ‘society’s rules’. Flappers were most commonly known for their dancing, drinking, smoking, wearing a lot of makeup, and a love of films. Almost all flappers had bobbed hair, dated frequently, and stopped wearing their corsets (which were the social norm in the 1910s) and nearly every article of clothing was trimmed down and lightened in order to make movement easier. Flappers were the complete opposite of the ‘Gibson Girl’ where young women did not date, they waited until a proper young man formally paid her interest with suitable intentions such as marriage.
Research some famous Flappers
Such as Clara Bow ‘The It Girl’ of the 1920s, she was a Hollywood star that had the most influence on society at the time. She played the part of a flapper in a number of films, and influenced many young girls to behave in the same way. She was the most popular actress in 1928 and 1929.
Live like a flapper
Keep your hair perfectly styled and frizz free (preferably short and cropped in a bob)
ALWAYS wear makeup. Even to go shopping or walk the dog. Keep your makeup with you in a purse or bag and apply it often, in public places, all flappers did this in the 1920s.
Be very flirtatious.
The flapper attitude was characterized by stark truthfulness, fast living, and sexual behaviour. Flappers seemed to cling to youth as if it were to leave them at any moment. They took risks and were reckless.
Drink alcohol (Flappers drank at a time when the United States had outlawed alcohol (Prohibition)).
Attend dances, in the 1920s Jazz music was one of the most popular genres for flappers. Dances such as the Charleston, Black Bottom, and the Shimmy were considered "wild" by older generations, for the Younger Generation, the dances fit their fast-paced life-style.
Drive- Henry Ford's innovations were making the automobile an accessible commodity to the people. Cars were fast