In the early years of the United States the country was vastly growing, as were the opinions and concerns of the people. The two groups of people who disagreed with each other were known as the Antifederalists and the Federalists. When it came to the House of Representatives, the two groups shared different opinions. The greatest difference in opinion was the number of representatives. The Antifederalists shared many concerns about how the House of Representatives would fairly represent the people. The Antifederalists were scared that a small number of representatives would be unsafe for the public interest and did not think such a small number should have so much power. With such a small number of representatives, the Antifederalists assumed the representatives would only aim towards the good of the class of people they were from, rather than the whole. The Anitfederalists had many small concerns but the greatest was that the disproportionate of representatives to the people would only continue to grow. As the population would grow, the representatives would represent even greater numbers of people. The Antifederalists did not think they would have true knowledge or concern for the great number of people they represented. The peoples’ voice of liberty would become smaller and smaller. The Federalists, on the other hand, believed that a certain number should be picked and kept as the total number of representatives. The Federalists were concerned that as the number of people would grow so would the number of representatives. Soon there would be hundreds and over the years even thousands of representatives. The Federalists were clear that this would not protect the liberty of the people, it would only cause confusion and nothing would ever be accomplished with so many representatives. The Federalists believed a number should be set to obtain and carry out order for generations to come. The number, which the Federalists presented, was sixty-five. This number would be divided up between the states. The
Brianna Lewis 3/3/15 Dr. Hua Xu CH 6 research activity #7 Introduction to American Politics 2020 online The House of Representatives and the Senate are both chose through the direct election. They both also represent the United States Congress. The lower class is represented by the House of Representatives. The upper house is represented by the Senate. They both have to represent the people of their states they got elected for. At the same time, there are many differences between the two. An…
Government 12/3/12 Chapter 10 review 10.1 1. the united states congress is a bicameral branch of means the house is divided into two chambers, one is the house and the other is the senate. 2. By giving each State equal representation in the Senate and representation proportional to its population in the House, bicameralism ensures a division of power. 3. Each Congress lasts two years and is comprised of two sessions. The dates of Congress' sessions have…
Exam 2 Redo Article 1 of the constitution organizes the Legislative branch. The Legislative branch is a bicameral system, which means 2 chambers. The House of Representatives is one chamber and the Senate is another chamber. The House of Representatives is made up of 435 members, and the Senate is made up of 100 members. There are also 3 members from DC making a total of 538 members in the Legislative branch. We have a bicameral system because during the Constitutional Convention there were 2 plans…
'Id rather be a senator than a member of the house of representatives' Both houses need each other in order to function as they are both part of the legislative branch of government however there are many arguments to suggest that senate is more prestigious that the house of representatives. American citizens see a lot more pride in their senator as they represent the entire state not just a small region within it. For example Representative Joe Baca represents a single congressional region…
compartment that granted the constitution all lawmaking power through the House of Representatives and the Senate. Within the House of Representatives you have to be at least the age of 25 and a citizen of the U.S. for 7 years. House Representatives are elected every two years and the majority of the House is of the Republican Party. Theirs a total of 435 House Representatives with t he top Representative called the speaker of the house. The Senate requires that you be the age of 30 and a citizen for…
as well the house of representative and the senates (U.S. Government Printing Office, 2011). In congress the basic responsibilities of everyone involved is going through the process of making a new bill, writing it, debating it and getting the bill approved to go to the president for the official approval. Congress last two years and when the two years are up there are elections to bring in new members. In the congress there is a House of Representatives, in the House of Representatives contains a…
Kokkai | The 174th Ordinary Session | Type | Type | Bicameral | Houses | House of Representatives House of Councillors | Leadership | Speaker of the House of Representatives | Takahiro Yokomichi, DPJ since September 16, 2009 | President of the Councillors | Satsuki Eda, DPJ since August 7, 2007 | Structure | Members | 722 480 (House of Representatives) 242 (House of Councillors) | House of Representatives Political groups | Democratic Party (311) Liberal Democratic Party (118)…
the U.S. House of Representatives’ most important job. All laws in the United States begin asbills. Before a bill can become a law, it must be approved by the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and the President. Let’s follow a bill’s journey to become law. The Bill Begins Laws begin as ideas. These ideas may come from a Representative—or from a citizen like you. Citizens who have ideas for laws can contact their Representatives to discuss their ideas. If the Representatives agree, they…
apportionment of the representatives is limited to a total number of 435 representatives where each state is guaranteed of at least one representative (Miler, 2010). The system of apportionment, which is based on population, was meant to bring about equal representation of the citizens in the House of Representatives. The small states are overrepresented in the House of Representatives while those that are big tending to be underrepresented (Frederick, 2009). The House of Representatives currently can represent…
How A Bill Becomes A Law All laws in the United States begin as bills. Before a bill can become a law, it must be approved by the U.S House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and the President. The House of Representatives and the Senate follow different rules in considering and passing bills. They both use committees and subcommittees, conference committees to form final versions of bills, and the role of party caucuses and congressi…