English 7.04 Essay

Submitted By Auntb00
Words: 339
Pages: 2

Romeo: I think that Romeo’s goal was right, because he would do anything just to be with Juliet. If he can’t be with Juliet then he would rather die. Romeo stays like that throughout the play. Act II scene two, when Romeo climbs over the wall just to see Juliet.
Juliet: I don’t think she was with obedience, because she was refusing the marriage that the father arranged. I don’t think she changed during the play. Act III scene five, she tells her mother that she refuses to marry Parris.
Nurse: I think the nurse is loyal to Juliet, because she knew about the secret marriage. She changes because she told Juliet to marry Paris and to forget about Romeo. Act III scene three, the nurse helps Romeo and Juliet marry.
They are at a dinner at the Capulet’s house. It is just Tybalt and lord Montague.
Tybalt: why are you in my house at my table eating? (He says while rising from the table)
Lord Montague: I have come to talk to you about peace. (He tells him try to clam him)
Tybalt: I do not want to hear you. I have been told to be nice by my uncle. I will defeat your family. (Telling him trying to speak calmly)
Lord Montague: I have not come here to fight. I have come here to just to eat. Please let us eat and not have a fight. I know you like fights, but lets us tonight not draw our swords. (
Tybalt: okay but you say one wrong thing and I will fight you to. Last week your son went to our party. Are you trying to make fools of us by sending your son to mess things