History Essay Short Answer

Submitted By heshel99
Words: 808
Pages: 4

Zac Goldberg Short Answer
Question 2. “The First Vote” A.R. Waud uses his illustration “The first vote” to put across his point of view on political participation. This drawing demonstrates the very first African Americans going to cast their votes. The title, “The First Vote”, seems to show that Waud is showing how far
African Americans had come in the recent decades in terms of political participation following ratification of the 15th amendment allowing the equal right to vote. This was a new era of freedom that African Americans had never previously encountered up to this point. In the years prior to this, the majority of African Americans in the south were slaves and having them vote would have been unheard of. One outcome of the civil war that would have led to African
Americans being able to vote would have been reconstruction. Reconstruction was a plan designed by the north after the civil war to rebuild the south and eliminate the racial injustices occurring there. One way Reconstruction was challenged in the period following the civil war was the rise of the KKK. The KKK founded immediately after the war by white racists to combat reconstruction and keep the southern way of life. This movement greatly combated the process of reconstruction.

Essay During the period from 1600 to 1763, trans­Atlantic interactions in the British North
American Colonies kept labour conditions constant and fostered change in the methods of labour systems implemented. The high demand for crops back in Europe such as corn, tomatoes, sugar, potatoes, and tobacco, aswell as the mass cultivation of livestock in the colonies themselves saw a continued need for labour throughout the British Colonies. Labour conditions and setting were always grim and unchanging throughout the entire colonization period. As time went on, different labour systems evolved throughout the continent to fit the colonies and provide more economic gain. These transatlantic interactions laid the foundations of labour systems in America for centuries to come and determined the course of history throughout the continent.

Since the arrival of early European explorers there was always a necessity for labour throughout the New World. Life was centered around the production of cash crops, such as tobacco. Tobacco created an export economy that required land and constant labor from
Europe and Africa. These labourers always faced horrid conditions to work with. Death rates from disease were high and heavy labor was a fact of life. In addition to harsh conditions in the fields where labourers were working, they also faced mistreatment at the hands of their masters. Both indentured servants and slaves were treated as property and did not have basic rights such as the freedom to get married without their master's permission. These harsh labour conditions may have set a precedent for future working condition issues to come such as the harsh working conditions seen during America’s Industrial revolution in the late
19th century. No matter the designation of labourer, these harsh conditions showed consistency throughout this entire period in history.
From 1600­1763 the colonies saw a shift labour systems from white indentured servitude to a racially reliant slave system. This change can be attributed to various trans­Atlantic interactions and had major