History 106 Essay

Submitted By ayeeslayy
Words: 570
Pages: 3

The Continental Congress adopted the first constitution of the United States on November 15, 1777, the Articles of Confederation. These articles gave organization to a new nation who strongly needed a central government. These documents will try to shape the lives of each American under specific laws. This central government will also try to provide stability for this young nation to overcome issues faced. It will provide rules to abide by while giving consequences to the individuals who choose otherwise. The power will be shifted to the states while concerns grew if they were going to have it ratified. The fear of an excessive government raises thoughts due to insecurity of the Americans. These profound Articles will cause a dilemma with the American people due to the issues of excessive power with a obscure fear of a strong central government.
The states had strong views on the need to protect their people over an excessively powerful government. This powerful government that was supposed to take control of this nation led to a loose confederation of sovereign states and a weak central government. The majority of the power remained within the states due to its sovereignty. The articles were not strong enough to address the problems the people were facing. These Articles also lacked a very important executive branch, which is crucial in leading a nation with strictly enforced rules. The central government is too loose with not enough power to control these states as a whole. There is no control over tension between the states with a desire fore foreign commerce and trade between merchants. It created many issues for the nation such as pay back debts, fix foreign problems, and internal tariffs because all 13 colonies must agree. The framers were trying to limit its influence on the structure of government by working with the representatives of each state. They used these leaders to work plans, compromises, and enforcing tough laws throughout this time. The people want to live in a democratic society where the laws are made for the people by the people. The representatives in each state are