Cardiovascular: Project and Workout Log
Workout Log
As you learned in the Getting Started lessons, each topic in the HOPE course includes a workout log. As you work through the Cardiovascular lessons and activities, you will need to conduct and document six hours (or 360 minutes) of physical activity on your Cardiovascular Workout Log. A variety of physical activity can be defined as a minimum of three different activities. You will submit your completed workout log when you reach the final lesson of this topic. You will also reflect on your workout with your instructor when you complete the Cardiovascular Discussion-Based Assessment.
Project Introduction
How much do you think the general population knows about the cardiovascular system? Do you think they know which activities benefit the cardiovascular system and how many minutes of activity are needed for cardiovascular activity? Do you think they know the importance of the target heart rate zone and regular cardiovascular activity? What do you think the public needs to know about this important topic?
You have been selected as a health news correspondent for a famous news network. Every good news correspondent needs to have an understanding of the topic they are going to cover and the best way to deliver the information to the public. The lessons in this topic will provide you with the background information you will need to create your news report.
Collaboration Component
Your HOPE course requires that you complete one collaboration component for each segment of the course, but you may choose to take advantage of more than one collaboration opportunity. You may complete your collaboration component during this topic or during the other segment one topics. Please see the collaboration component instructions to fulfill your assignment.
Cardiovascular: Project and Workout Log
Project Checklist
Print the Project Checklist provided below to help you track your progress on the topic lessons and project milestones. It is important that you read each page in every lesson as well as all linked readings. Take notes as you read to assist you when studying for future assessments.
Remember to participate and document your physical activity on your Cardiovascular Workout Log as you proceed through the lessons and project milestones. You will submit your completed workout log, along with your completed project, in the final lesson.
Cardiovascular: Lessons and Assessments
Time to Complete
Points Possible
Project and Workout Log Lesson
½ hour
Lesson One: Cardiovascular System
1 hour
Project Milestone One
1½ hours
Lesson Two: Cardiovascular Activities
1 hour
Lesson Three: Monitoring Your Heart
1 hour
Project Milestone Two
1½ hours
Lesson Four: Cardiovascular Disease
1 hour
2½ hours
Workout Log
1½ hours each week totaling 6 hours
Discussion-Based Assessment
½ hour
Cardiovascular: Project and Workout Log
Project Steps and Rubric
Your task for this project will be to create a news report that educates the public on a specific aspect of the cardiovascular system, cardiovascular activity, monitoring your heart, or how to prevent cardiovascular diseases. News reports are designed to be both informative and entertaining, as the news reporter wants to ensure the public is enticed to watch the report.
Project Steps:
1. Complete the Project Milestone One (occurs in lesson one).
2. Complete the Project Milestone Two (occurs in lesson three).
3. Following the News Report Rubric, complete a news report based on a cardiovascular topic.
Cardiovascular Lesson One: Cardiovascular System
When you hear the term, cardiovascular, what do you think of? Do you know that the cardiovascular system is working all the time—even when you are sleeping? The cardiovascular system is a vital part of your body’s ability to function. The decisions that you make today will impact your cardiovascular system and your
applications classes, their pulse after a minute of intense working out and the students pulse two minutes after their intense workout. This information will be used to measure each student’s level of fitness; fitness is measured by how quickly your heart rate drops after working out. The data will then be tabled and analysed in the three class groups, Meyering, Pizzutto and Myburgh. I first used a table to store the classes’ data, then I created a histogram per class to determine the spread of the data…
TOPIC: Workouts for the heart. Hook: Could you be working out to much? Even though it is good to work out your heart needs a break! If you work out intensly everyday your heart can become too muscular and can soon lead to heart problems and/or death. Give your heart a break by taking a day off from your work out. QUESTIONS: 1. How often do you work out? 2. Do you watch your heart rate when you work out? 3. Do you take days to relax? 4. How often do you check your pulse? 5. Do you know what…
Scott Lewis | 3/26/2012 | | Introduction Heart Rate and Blood Pressure are two of the key components of our Cardiovascular System. These two components allow our bodies to function in the most productive and efficient way possible. Heart rate is determined by the number of heart beats per unit of time, typically expressed as beats per minute. This can vary as the body’s need for oxygen changes in a period of time. The heart rate can increase while performing vigorous activity such as…
4/23/14 Period 1 Heart Rate Lab PURPOSE: The purpose of this experiment is to find your resting and active heart rates. HYPOTHESIS: If I am active then my heart rate will be higher than my resting heart rate. SAFETY: A safety concern during this experiment is becoming out of breath or faint from doing a physical activity to raise your heart rate. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The control setup of the experiment is my heart rate. The independent variable of the experiment…
factors affecting blood pressure and heart rate. The investigation performed four tasks each analyzed different particular aspect e.g. gravity, exercises, cognitive activity and human diving response. The examination focused whether these tasks have any impact on human heart rate or blood pressure in human body. The experiment was conducted using electronic sphygmomabometer in small groups of three. The research showed that exercises increases blood pressure and heart rate to supplement needs body of extra…
Effective Drink after Exercising to Maintain a Lower Heart Rate Caleb P. Catto and Seth A. Wilkins Biology, Southwest Florida Christian Academy, Fort Myers, Florida 33966 USA Abstract: The purpose of this project was to test whether, water or Gatorade is most effective when trying to maintain a lower heart rate after exercising. The hypothesis suggested that when testing this Gatorade would be the most effective drink when trying to maintain a lower heart rate after working out. To begin, supplies were gathered…
submerge some daphnia contained in a test tube in water of differing temperatures and measure their subsequent heart rates. Hypothesis I think that the heart rate of the daphnia will increase up until around 40ËšC at which point most of the daphnia's enzymes will have denatured and rate of metabolism will have stopped or decreased sufficiently to have stopped the daphnia's heart rate. Apparatus list Test tube Beaker Different temperatures of water Daphnia Pipette Stop clock…
the first floor, or simply being on the ground floor of a stadium and looking up to the top row of seats can be associated with acrophobia. The symptoms of acrophobia are dizziness, sweating, shortness of breath, nausea, dry mouth, rapid heart rate, shaking, and anxiety attacks are not uncommon. Fear of heights can happen at any time in your life. Usually something traumatic has occurred for a person to associate heights and fear. It can also be from more than one event. You could have…
Mr.Klang Science. 7 PULSE RATES HOMEWORK 7. Why is it helpful to calculate the average pulse readings? It’s helpful to calculate the average pulse readings because you could discover how many beats your heart could beat. It’s also a health check for your own self to know how well your body is and what its condition it’s in. 8. Compare pulse readings before exercising and after resting. Summarize how different conditions affect the pulse rate? When I was exercising my pulse increased…
Eric Katz 4/4/15 Bio 33 Sec 6 Dr. Marie McGovern Assignment 3 Caffeine and the Heart Rate I see people every morning getting their caffeine fix from coffee. I know that this is done to keep them energized and moving for the day ahead, like they say “America runs on Dunkin”. Sitting on the train I seen an advertisement sponsored by Sci Show it said “Did you know? The average person would need about 300 cups of coffee to over dose on caffeine.” I was honestly amazed at this fact. Sitting there I…