Health and Social Care Level 3 Essay

Submitted By DennyJames33
Words: 689
Pages: 3

Sex Discrimination act 1975
This is to protect both men and women against discrimination or harassment on the grounds of gender in employment, education, and advertising or in the provision housing, goods, services or facilities. The sex discrimination act was introduced in 1975 in order to protect dishonest and unlawful kinds of sex discrimination and discrimination on the grounds of marriage, and establish an instruction with the aim of working towards the elimination of such discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity between men and women generally and for related purposes. For example things such as someone treating a woman on the ground of her sex he treats her less favourably than he treats or would treat a man. Or, he applies to her a provision or practices which he applies or would apply equally to a man, but which puts or would put women at a particular disadvantage when compared with men. This kind of behaviour is protected by the sex discrimination act. Indirect sex discrimination is where a condition or practice is applied to both sexes but adversely affects more of one gender than the other and is not justifiable. For example an unnecessary requirement to be less than 5ft 10ins would discriminate against men, while a requirement to work full-time might discriminate against women. This statement seemed to imply that women were considered to be an economic underclass requiring protection and a legislative method of increasing the standard of treatment they receive in the workplace in order to give them equality of employment opportunity when compared with men. From this it may be concluded that the anti-discrimination laws including the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, were enacted to provide relief against disadvantage, rather than for example to be punitive as against discriminators. The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 was therefore enacted in order to provide a method of compensation for victims of discrimination, and in the process it would also deter future sex discrimination practice. The Act was therefore concerned with the effect of discrimination on victims rather than the precise nature of the conduct of the discriminators. The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 applied to discrimination on the grounds of sex in several areas, including employment, and although it is drafted in terms of women being the object of the discrimination, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 actually applied equally to men as it did to women. The Sex Discrimination Act applied to discrimination at all stages of employment, from recruitment to dismissal. The original anti-discrimination statutory includes the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 which is provided that the proportion of women who could comply with the provision had to be ‘considerably smaller' than the comparator group (men) for a