Hcs 325 Roles And Functions

Submitted By mpurvis20
Words: 606
Pages: 3

Roles and Function
Ramona Purvis
Sharon Williams
November 30, 2014

Roles and Functions
Management Roles and Functions
Health care managers experience many opportunities and challenges on any given work-day. However, they must remain focused on the constant changes, demands, and expectations of the organization. This article will explore the roles and functions of health care managers. What the most significant aspect related to health care management is, and my personal goals associated with it.
A manager is a person in an organization that provides support and is culpable for one or more people. The four main functions of a health care manager are
1) Organizing: a process of assigning tasks, allocating resources, and arranging and coordinating the activities of individuals and groups to implement plans (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007).
2) Planning: a process of setting performance objectives and to determine the best course of action.
3) Controlling: a process of measurement for work performance, comparisons of results vs. objectives set, and making corrections when needed.
4) Leading: a process of getting people enthused and encouraging them in order to accomplish goals and objectives.
Other functions and roles are also required of a health care manager. They include utilizing resources to accomplish organizational goals, and sharing responsibilities with other upper management to gain the result of high performance. Often a manager will be responsible for
Roles and Function planning meetings, work schedules, gathering ideas for improvement, assessing productivity, assigning tasks, recruiting or training, and providing feedback (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007). The responsibility of addressing diversity, accountability, and quality of work life also falls on managers often. The first focus is diversity, managers are tasked with helping everyone reach their full potential, ensuring that each person has equality when contributing, participating, and advancing within the organization. Accountability is based on the outcome of goals either achieved or failed, and requires that one person always has to answer to another for that failure or accomplishment. Finally, quality of work life is a managers duty and ensures that all employees receive fair pay, work in safe conditions, recognizes strengths and talents, provides opportunity to improve or learn new skills, protects rights of each individual, and instills pride in the organization (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007).
The aspect related to health care management that is most important for me to learn in this class is networking. Productivity and success can be easily measured by the openness of communications between departments, or with other organizations including the government. Networking is the