global warming Essay

Submitted By tobin718
Words: 2664
Pages: 11

01 - Global Warming & The Greenhouse Effect

Small scale:
What is a greenhouse? *
A glass room that stays warm without artificial heat sources
Types of light passing through
Visible Light
Ultra-Violet Light
Infrared Light (makes skin hotter / tan)
Trapped Infrared
The little bit of IR that enters becomes trapped within the greenhouse
This heats the interior of the space by 30* to 40* F
Large scale: The Greenhouse Effect in the Atmosphere
Diagram of the Earth *
The Atmospheric Gasses
Nitrogen (N2) – 78 %
Oxygen (O2) – 20 %
Hyrdogen (H2)
Helium (He)
Neon (Ne)
Argon (Ar)
Krypton (KR)
Greenhouse Gasses
Water Vapor (H20), Carbon Dioxide (CO2 - only 0.4%), Methane (CH4), Ozone (O3), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Oxides (NOX, NO2, NO3, etc.)
Greenhouse Gasses are good at absorbing IR & UV. They transmit visible light.
Other planets
Venus – 10 x denser – 700 – 800 * F
Mars – thin atmosphere
Trapped infrared light
When IR attempts to radiate back, much is trapped by GG and warms Earth’s lower surface
Earth avg. temperature is 45* F with GG
Would be 10-20 * F without GG
As greenhouse gasses are emitted into the atmosphere by humans, the average temperature will rise.

02 - Human Activity & The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

Indisputable that it is occurring, but the debate is whether it is caused by human activity
Argument: driven by human activity – since 1600 AD
Whether it is human induced or not, it is statistically happening, and we need to prepare for it.
Factors causing Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
Combustion of fossil fuels
Burning of Trees
Gasoline (Steam & Diesel)
Manufacturing (process of making steel, etc.)
Electrical Power Generation (burning coal)
Agriculture (running machines = fossil fuels)
Chemical Industry (methane)
Positive Feedback effects – oceans warm up – etc.
Global warming > rise in ocean water temperature
Rise in ocean water temperature > release dissolved Co@ & methane into atmosphere which increases global warming
Aw shit
Effects: Temperature Rise
The CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by 30% in last 30 years
.04 of 1% increased by 30%!
Average global temperature increased by 1* F
In polar regions, 5* F increase
Physical Consequences
Melting Ice Caps
Since 1970, down by 30%; by 2050, none
Water level doesn’t necessarily rise
Energy flows change in ocean; increase temperature of atmosphere
Changes salinity of water
Melting of Greenland Ice Sheet
In 100 years, raises water level 10-15 m
Reduces salinity of H20 in the Gulf Stream
Rises in sea level – alters Gulf Stream currents
More frequent & extreme weather events
Heat Waves
Agricultural Concerns
Permanent Coastal Flooding
Marine Issues
Bleaching of coral reef
Changing marine habitat
Extrapolating into the Future
Estimating ½ * F increase each decade for 10-15 decades
By 2100, a 15* F increase in the arctic > catastrophic
What to do?
Reduce fossil fuels
Develop alternative energy
Increase efficiency of combustion engines
Alternatives in current construction protocols; reduce E costs
Need an (inter)national commitment to move away from FF

03 - Acid & Acid Rain

Define acid – a water solution > release hydrogen ions
Acid particles in a water solution are capable of breaking bonds between atoms. Acids dissolve substances, and corrode them into inferior substances.
It dissolves & corrodes many substances such as metals, fibers, organic materials, ceramics, etc.
Acid is a water solution of particles which release hydrogen ions
Hydrogen is very chemically active & polarized; all acid has Hydrogen
Acids contain H+ ions linked to water molecules
Strong Acids (contain lots of H30+ ions)
Sulfuric Acid – H2SO4
Nitric Acid – HNO3
Hydrochloric Acid – HCl
Where does it come from?
All three of the above acids are formed within our body and are essential to our metabolism
These are