Starter on a table from 4 people or more! 的鍋底並以配料眾多為特式。蝦 青口 蟹柳 魚丸 魚片,牛肉、羊肉, 猪肉, 三文魚,各豆類製品、各種 蔬菜菌類、麵食等,均是熱門配料. The ICHIRO hot pot and the ingredients many specialty. Shrimp, mussels, crab meat the fish balls fillets, fat beef, lamb, pork, salmon, soy products, and a variety of vegetables, mushrooms, pasta, etc., are popular ingredients . (The vegetarian shrimp prime crab meat, the prime fish balls, prime fillet, vegetarian oyster, prime salmon, vegetarian duck, vegetarian pork) Reservation required…
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