General Electric Essay

Words: 2770
Pages: 12


MGM 6110  Sección 80 Engineering Management I 16 de Febrero de 2010 Profesor:

Table of Contents
I II Intructions ............................................................................................................... 2 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4

III Definition of key topics ........................................................................................... 6 IV Current Applications/Examples ............................................................................. 9 V

The Company operates through five segments: Energy Infrastructure, Technology Infrastructure, NBC Universal, Capital Finance and Consumer & Industrial. In 2010, Forbes ranked General Electric as the world's second largest company after JP Morgan Chase, based on a formula that compared the total sales, profits, assets, and market value of several multinational companies. The company has 304,000 employees around the world.


General Electric’ managerial accounting system should track costs that are potentially subject to the learning phenomenon. It should inform managers how the learning phenomenon affects costs and helps managers predict products. The managerial accounting system should also help managers’ budget costs of production that are subject to the learning phenomenon.


Definition of key topics
There are so many topics that involve the good management skills that General Electric have. These skills are the point of the success of this company. To demonstrate these skills they need to have high energy, high hopes so they can have a kind of a good environment at the work area. Then you have to be patience, that’s because there's continual tension in many companies between the demand for short-term results and the need for a long-term strategy. Feel you can't do both? So the answer at General Electric is: Yes, you can do both, and if you can't, we'll get somebody who can.

It's essential to leave your management perch every