Gaming is good There are many kind of videogames such as role playing games, third person shooter, real time strategy and first person shooters. In all of these genres first person shooters and third person shooters are the most played game genre and it is also the most controversial. They are controversial because they are the most violent and censored games, but nobody stops kids from playing them. Some people say that these games make kids more aggressive and violence. Some people think that these games encourage other to start massacre like Adam Lanza did in Newtown school. Adam Lanza killed many kids from elementary school in Newtown. The main reason according to people he did it is he played violent video games mostly first person shooters a lot which encouraged him to do that. In 2011 there was a shooting in a Norwegian summer camp where the shooter killed many kids in that camp. When he was captured and asked in court why he did it, he answered that he was training for it by playing a lot of call of duty. But most people aren’t considering the minority of this kind of incident. Video games don’t promote violent behavior but they do benefit people many ways. If the one person gets the wrong idea about game and goes to do something horribly wrong, that doesn’t mean that everybody will go crazy which will affect whole gaming community. Video games are not always bad but in fact they have more benefits then dangers. For example, video games boost your hand eye coordination. Having perfect hand eye coordination can be useful in many daily tasks. Scientists have known since 1980s that playing video games even for a short amount of time will boost hand eye coordination. Many surgeons have to perform laparoscopic surgeries that require perfect hand eye coordination. According to Verena Dobnik of NBC news, the surgeons who play videogames at least three hours a week have 37 percent fewer mistake during the surgery and they also finish 27 percent faster than their counter parts. Dr. James "Butch" Rosser, 49, said “I use the same hand-eye coordination to play video games as I use for surgery,". According to him video games are the best way to improve our hand eye coordination even at his age. My cousin is also medical student, who usually comes across the surgeries in which they have to use robotic arms. I see him playing videogames a lot and when I ask him the reason to play video games he replies that their professors recommends playing video games to become better at robotic surgeries. The second benefit of the video games is speeding up one’s reaction time. studies have shown that playing video games especially shooter games will speed up your reaction time. I would consider myself a gamer because the fact that I play lot of video games. I always play first person shooter game named “call of duty” online with other players. During the gameplay, people playing have to make quick decisions and react quickly to stay alive in the game. Delay of half second could mean death in the game and in everybody else’ mind they would not want to die and wait for 5 minutes for next round to start so they will try hard to kill you and throw you out of the game. In this kind of situation, you will have to respond quickly to stay alive in the game. Research done by researchers at the university of Rochester shows that video game players develop a heightened sensitivity to what is going on around them, and this benefit doesn’t just make them better at playing video games, but it also improves other general skill like quicker decision and fast reaction. “It’s not the case that the action game players are trigger-happy and less accurate: They are just as accurate and also faster,” says Daphne Bavelier. “Action game players make more correct decisions per unit time. If you are a surgeon or you are in the middle of a battlefield, that can make all the difference.” Here Daphne says that the people who play shooter games and action
Greg Manley Terri Reisig English 112 February 7, 2013 Gaming: A Search for Good Amongst the Bad When the tragic event at Sandy Hook Elementary recently occurred, the blame was strongly placed on the mental state of the shooter. That he must of have been influenced by playing evil and violent video games as a reason for his disturbing actions. It is unfortunate that violent media, especially video games, is to blame for societal ills. The hysteria built up around this form of entertainment…
1. Nintendo is competing in the “Toy Industry”, and more sub level into “Electronic Gaming” Industry. Industry has shifted from traditional toys towards electronic entertainment to an complete entertainment solution provider. Customer preferences were changing. Gaming is not only for kid any more. Target audience for gaming became adults between 18-35. New customer audience needed more violence and better graphics in the games. Nintendo games were considered “dull”. Looking at industry using…
spend a good amount of my free time gaming. There are wide verity of people who play games and getting to talk is always interesting. One thing people think about the communication in gaming is how so many people are just trash takers and just want to put other people down. In my experience most people don’t talk in game that much. I believe that playing Xbox online show you what some people will say when they are anonymous. People that don’t play games online think that the people who make gaming look…
Did you know that nearly 8.5% of children in the United states are addicted to video gaming. Video game habits have been going on for two decades. Video game addiction damages the human brain much more than we think. Going on in these next paragraphs I will tell you the damages this addiction can cause. Video games became popular in the 1980’s and has been used as a popular source of entertainment since. Video games attracts us to a fantasy world that lets us be the winner or a hero of our…
22 Oct. 2014 Are Video Games Good or Bad For Our Health? Gamer’s Perspective Video games are very popular among society today. People nowadays are overwhelmed with reality now and then, and at times find the need to escape to another world. Depending on the video game, one may find that the plot and development of the game is more interesting than life itself and release all of their stress to enjoy the ambiance of the game. A person who plays games can argue that gaming actually requires motor skills…
arisen from its competitive environment. The strategic objective we wish to accomplish in this analysis is to formulate a viable strategy that will continue GameStop’s growth in the industry to remain as the go to video gaming store for the video gaming enthusiast. The retail gaming industry is a relatively new industry but GameStop has shown tremendous growth since 2002. An external analysis of GameStop’s general environment will show threats to the industry that include age restrictions for rated…
* Executives at EA games believe the gaming experience will be taken to a point beyond what consumers can experience from movies and TV shows. The Potential Entry of New Competitors: Threat of entry is weak due to the following factors: * Many of the independent game developers have built a strong relationship with the console manufacturers to develop games for their gaming console. * Learning curve will be more difficult, since most of the game…
businesses. I beg to differ, and point to several free social gaming apps as primary supporting examples. First, it is important to establish what specifically I’m referring to when I say “free social gaming apps”. In particular, I would point to social gaming companies such as King, Team Lava and PopCap Games, whose titles include the likes of Candy Crush, Bubble Mania, and Plants vs. Zombies, respectively. These mobile social gaming companies typically consist of a portfolio of games that are…
December 1, 2014 “You Should Buy a Playstation Vita” Handheld gaming is my passion. There is no finer handheld than the Playstaion Vita. The Playstaion Vita is a Power house of a portable system and I love it. No other handheld can equal the graphical power or even the quality of gaming that the Ps Vita can produce. When the Ps Vita was released I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. From all the hype from Sony and the other gaming news websites, I couldn’t wait. My love for handhelds stems from…
being fun, these games lead to furtherance in cognitive and or strategizing capabilities and a beneficial social community and even a career opportunities in professional videogame leagues. Videogames, whether they are on the computer or some other gaming device, do provide cognitive thinking and strategy exercises. Two main examples as to how videogames are beneficial to a person's quickness, strategic abilities, communication and patience are fast-paced videogames, and logic or puzzle videogames…