Function Of Law

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Pages: 4

Role and Functions of Law The law is a delicate yet malleable set of rules and principles that are formed to suite the needs of those deciding its purpose. The role of law for business and society is to provide set rules and procedures that fall within general functions which reflect the position of the people. In various types of governments the law is adjusted to suite the needs of the dictator, its citizens or its elected body as seen fit. In a republic, such as the United States of America, the laws are formed by elected leaders to suite the needs and concerns of the citizens (Republic, 2005). These laws are adjusted, changed and updated as needed in order to match the position of the voting majority.
The Role of Law The role

This intervention in to private, social and economic affairs to correct injustices is done with the intention that all citizens have the right to life's basic goods (Barnes et. al., 2003). With the spread of globalization, the call for social justice caused governments of countries to become involved with foreign countries with which they are allied or have trade relations (Hansenne, 1994). The protection of the environment fell to the government after the rise in pollution during the1970's with the creation of the Environmental Protection Act. This act was created with the intention to control pollution by means such as permits, zoning, regulations and enforcement (Barnes et. al., 2003). The function of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to minimize the impacts of pollution on human health without adversely hindering the economic growth. As a society changes the laws that they have enacted must be able to change with them. These laws should promote social cohesion and provide for social progress. The functions of law dictate what role that law will play within a society as chosen by a dictator, the citizens or an elected entity.

Barnes, A.J., Bowers, L.T., Langvardt, A.W., Barnes, J.P. (2004). Business law: the ethical, global, and e-commerce environment (12th ed.). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw Hill.
Cooray, M. (2005). The role of the constitution and