Formal Ethics Case Study

Words: 1855
Pages: 8

1. Is Formal Ethics Training in Organizations Merely Cosmetic?
I disagree that Formal Ethics Training in Organizations is merely cosmetic. Formal Ethics Training is used in organization to communicate the standards and procedures of the organization, as well as other key factors of the ethics and compliance programs. (D. E. Warren, J.P. Gasper & W.S. Laufer 2014).
However, does it really mean that Formal Ethics Training is merely cosmetic, which means it just improved the image of the Organization as defined by Oxford Dictionary (n.d) or did it help to improve the ethical behavior of the employee in the Organization?
The scope of this essay I will be discussing on Is Formal Ethics Training in Organizations Merely Cosmetic or not and other factors

It is being mention that there is five-stages of CMD. It will eventually come to a stage where individual’s CMD will be stabilized when they are an adult, however, in most cases, adults will only reach to stage 3 - “conventional” stage, which their decision on what is right is based on expectation of their peers, policies, rules and laws instead of stage 5 – “Principled” Stage, where decision is based on ethical principles of justice and right and taking into consideration of the general public’s benefit. (Jennifer J. Kish-Gephart, David A. Harrison & Linda Klebe Trevino,
The general questions being prompt are about leader traits, behaviours and motivation as well as what is executive ethical leadership. The results show that “unethical” leadership is not common in senior executive. However, Executive interview that is being conducted based on 20 people who are working as a senior executive of 20 medium/ large American companies from various industries which they are also being ask the same questions regarding ethical leadership. The results show that the individuals as not clear of what is ethical leadership and seems to not able to identify an ethical leader. (Linda Klebe Trevino, Michael Brown & Laura Pincus Hartman, 2003)
This contrasting results of ethical officers and executives shows that the lower management is not aware of what ethical leadership is and behaviour of ethical leaders should portray, which might adversely influence the lower-level employees to not be motivated and look up to their higher up management as a role model, which will result in organizational culture being affected, as everyone in the organization does not have the same goal in