Brief Summaries Of Clinical And Research Project: Complications Of Writings

Submitted By mayasutin
Words: 3313
Pages: 14

Research Project:
September 29:
Submit brief summaries of 6 articles
Can be in chart form or in paragraph form

Paper due November 10
Page 1:
Title, Name, Affiliation (name of course, department, professor), Date
Page 2:
Summary of entire paper (succinct)
Single spaced, one-two paragraphs
7-10 Pages
References (APA style) – before the appendix – is included in the global number of pages
Appendix (summary chart) – only include data-based studies

Indicates to the reader what they’re going to read about / doesn’t necessarily summarize all the content of the paper (this would be in the summary at the end of the paper, if you choose to include one)
Begin with purpose of what we’re writing about
Then summarize anything to show the reader what you’re doing…this paper will follow (name the subheadings) OR will highlight the controversies of this topic, etc.
Any ideas for future clinical or research implications, if you have some? What is coming out of your paper?
Under the abstract, write 2 key words to identify what topic is

Writing style cardinal rules:
Try to write simply / shorter sentences are better than longer sentences / try to reduce lengthy sentences with embedded clauses  makes writing more difficult to understand / NOT flowery writing / take out unnecessary adjectives
Make sure whatever you say has a rationale or something to back it up
Preface your hypotheses or uncertainties by saying “it is hypothesized…”, etc.
Be very careful of plagiarism
Exact wording needs quotation marks, citation and page number
Not quoting: don’t use the same wording as the author, but still cite at the end of the sentence or paragraph
Make sure all references throughout the paper appear in your reference list
Scientific writing principle: never use first person, always use third person (it was found, Jones found, etc…) EXCEPT she suggests a one paragraph position statement at the end of the paper where you can give your own perspective using first person
If you also choose to include a summary, write the summary paragraph first and THEN the position statement
Whenever you review literature, there’s a tendency to underestimate/undermine the findings of a case study, DON’T DO THAT
Be very careful of using colloquialisms
Use more objective language, less chatty language
Reduce colorful language – like too many analogies, adverbs, adjectives, too much explanation as opposed to keeping it simple and clear
Try your hardest to bring together in your writing researchers who have found similar things
And introduction and introductory comments should be as succinct as possible
Maybe only two paragraphs on background information
Always end introductory comments with a purpose – why you’re writing this in the first place
Importance of subheadings = helps to structure paper
Helpful to the reader
Based on how you’ve decided to present the information and your integration of the literature
In pairs, one person is a stutterer at a time
Speak for ten minutes on a specific topic, each person for five minutes, in a normal conversation
Simulate stuttering

Topic: What we did this weekend

Speaker’s perspective:
Difficult adding detail because it takes so long to get the message out  affects the content, limits the individual
Awareness of listener focusing on your mouth
Eye blinking and eye widening, unusual staring, facial twitches, neck jerks, turning of the head during stuttering events
It’s not always about speech, there are also physical concomitants
Hand tapping, foot stomping  different ways to cope with the stutter
Fatigue – big factor in exacerbating stuttering
Anxiety and physical tension
Fear of the next moment of stuttering, not being able to communicate effectively, listener’s judgment
Dependent on conversation partner and their reaction to you

Professor Dean Williams:
Some stutterers believe that “it” is happening to them
Goal: to make stutterers aware that their stuttering is not an