Essay about First Aid and Scene Survey Assess

Submitted By Rosaline-Mba
Words: 327
Pages: 2

Paediatric Emergency First Aid

20 pages

1.1 Identify the responsibilities of a paediatric first aider.

I should aim to preserve life, prevent the condition worsening, and promote recovery.

Responsibility Description
-Remain calm at all times Appear confident and reassuring
-Conduct a scene survey Assess the situation without
Endangering my own life.
-Conduct a primary survey Identify and assess the extent of the
Illness, injury or condition of the casualty.
-Attend to the needs of other Ensure their safety and manage children or bystanders behaviour.
-Send for medical help Ambulance, police or emergency rescue services (as a first aider, I should always stay with the casualty and send someone else to call for help if possible)

-Give immediate, appropriate treatment to preserve life, prevent the condition worsening and promote recovery
-Take appropriate precautions to minimise infection
Protect yourself and casualty by using appropriate techniques and equipment
-Arrange for further, qualified medical attention
Transporting the casualty to hospital or arranging for medical examination.
-Reporting and recording Verbal and written records, completing accident and incident reports
-Maintaining first aid equipment, including first aid kits
Ensure equipment is up-to-date and first aid kits are well stocked
-Keeping up-to-date with first aid procedures
Take part in regular updating and training
1.2 Describe how to minimise the risk of