Essay on First Aid and Normal Operating Procedures

Submitted By zacburns2
Words: 754
Pages: 4

N.O.P = Normal Operating Procedures
Procedures checked on a regular basis before and during any activities. For example, Footwear participants should were correct footwear for that event.
E.A.P = Emergency Action Plan
These are if something goes wrong what would you do. For example, for an injury ring home and inform parents.
Swimming Pool
Keep track of amount in pool E.G 25 people maximum. disorderly behaviour to other customers and to staff.
Trained life guards around the pool
Bomb threats
First aid equipment E.G Pole to pull up drowning customer/ participant.
Injury E.G Spinal, Sprained ankle
Have rules of the pool clearly shown make sure people obey.
Evacuating Area to “safety point”
Check for any hazards around the pool E.G slippery tiles

Fire escape sign/stickers (signage)

Fire exits/doors

Step by step instructions if someone gets spinal injured.
1)Get access to situation (Do not enter the water unless it is necessary) on way collect rescuing equipment such as pole.
2)Another staff member should evacuate everyone else besides staff to create space for person by evacuating pool.
3)If the injury is spinal the injured person should be stabled in the water until medics arrive(let medics take over once arrived.

4)Contact emergency services (999, 911, 112) inform whats happened. Try to inform parents if injured person is under the age of 18 (If it is an education trip the parents should be informed if 19 or under.)
5)CPR or Administer artificial ventilation should be done if necessary so there is more chance for the person to be kept alive. This should occur until medics arrive.
6)This should be recorded into an accident book and should be given to the authority's.

Sport Hall
N.O.P = Normal Operating Procedures
Procedures checked on a regular basis before and during any activities. For example, Footwear participants should were correct footwear for that event.
E.A.P = Emergency Action Plan
These are if something goes wrong what would you do. For example, for an injury ring home and inform parents.
Water spillage
Record incident if occurs
Metal parts sticking out of ground
Ring home of injured participant/s
Netting on football nets
If fire evacuate to fire assembly point
Nets upright
Get first aid box
Nets tied up correctly
Ring ambulance if necessary
Equipment not in playing area
Inform trained medic at location


1)Get access to situation (Grab First Aid box on way)
2)If have more than one staff one should clear surrounding area. Another should go and get trained medic on-site. One should inform parents of situation.
3)Once medic arrived he should decide if emergency services should be informed.
4)This incident should be recorded in the book kept in the medic box and given to the medic arrived in the ambulance.