Feasibility Study Research Paper

Words: 1022
Pages: 5

Executive summary
The mill will be called Nyc Sugar incorporated with the meaning of bringing back the real sweet flavor of sugar into the market. The mill will have its own plant located at Ibayo, Balanga city, Bataan. This site is selected because of its strategic position, where the supplies of public and private services are adequate and the raw materials are readily available.
The need of the sugar mill company is to solve the problem of sugar shortages which increases day by day in this city and also try to deal with unemployment problems which increases with time here in Bataan. This will be achieved by creating more employment opportunities for the young generation living in the city as well as outside.
Raw materials

a. The branding name Nyc will be a strategy of welcoming even more customers to come and feel the niceness of our sugar.
b. The packaging size will start as little as a half-kilogram bag up to 10kg to cater for all possible users irrespective of financial capability as opposed to other sugar producing firms which package from 1kg to 5kg.
The response of the packaging strategy may give our firm an upper hand in the market resulting into more sales and therefore higher profits.
Business model
In the business model, it is expected that the firm will earn most of its money from the recurring sales of finished sugar products and selling permissions. We will market our products to the public through ventures like advertising and also increase sales through the pricing strategy.
Operating facilities, equipment and staff
Major equipments in the firm will be sugar processing machines which will be located in the factory. Again the firm will need to build infrastructure like paths and buildings. Below will be the required staff members in the board of directors
- Chairman of the board
- Maintenance and material director
- Sales director
- Production director
The firm will see to it that the accountants are licensed by the Professional Regulation Commission in their respective professions and all persons have at least an experience in their respective jobs. The