Exam study guide Essay

Submitted By valencia1990
Words: 641
Pages: 3

9/22/13 8:35 PM

Study Guide for Exam 1
General Points:
Bring scantron sheet #882 (the tall thin green form) and a number 2 pencil to the exam.
Make sure you have obtained all the class notes, since the material on the exam will come from lectures. All information from lectures could be covered on the exam, so know the information thoroughly.
Questions will be true/false and multiple choice.
Study Tips:
Make notes from the lectures. Study to know all the details related to each concept covered.
Study with a friend: make up exam questions to quiz each other.
Cover information with your hand and see if you can write it out (and understand what you are writing!)
Apply it to your own life; make up your own examples
Refer back to and memorize the examples that particularly helped you understand a concept.
Put things in your own words
To do well on the exam you have to overlearn the material: really know it!!
Exam Tips:
Make sure you answer each question (even if you have to guess on one).
On true/false questions make sure that you read each one carefully. Don't overlook one word that would change the truthfulness of the statement.
On the multiple choice questions, make sure you read through each answer thoroughly, and understand exactly what the question is asking. Eliminate answers you know are wrong.
Don't dwell on questions that confuse you. Come back to them at the end.
Read all possible choices for each multiple choice question, even if you think you found the correct answer right away.
Answer all parts of each essay question.
Answer what the question asks, not just what you know about the topic.
Make a quick outline on the side to organize your thoughts for an essay question. https://sacct.csus.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-1012307-dt-content-rid-3266696_1/courses/2138-PSYC10301-88036/Exam1Review1.html Page 1 of 2

9/22/13 8:35 PM

Overall concepts covered on the exam: (These are to guide your studying. You should make sure you thoroughly understand all the material covered on and related to each of these topics, and be able to come up with examples that illustrate the concepts).
Sensation & Perception Terms (Sensation, Transduction, Perception, Cognition, & Action)
Perception's Main Themes (Transduction/Neural Coding, differences among species, clinical insights, & top-downvs bottom-up processing)
Nature of Light (amplitude and wavelength)
Electromagnetic spectrum (relation of wavelengths to color perceived, etc.)
Structured Light (ways light is structured by the environment) vs Ganzfeld (what is it and when does it occur)
Anatomy of Human Eye (sclera, pupil, iris, cornea, lens {accommodation & focusing}, retina
{fovea & periphery, types of cells, etc.}, optic