What makes someone an American? This is a question that has so many answers because so many people have different views on Americanism. One person might claim you have to be born in America, some might say you have to be raised in it. While they are not necessarily wrong, others will have a different idea. Some people view Americanism as an attitude, not a nationality. It is how you present yourself to others and to the world. They believe Americanism is based on the American people, not the American land. To them, being an American is about understanding their values and ethics and going along with them. Americans have so many flaws, each and every one of them. The great part about being an American though, is that you are allowed to have…show more content… Countries are no more than blocks of land, it is the people who make it a culture, who make it a nation. Being an American is like being a Christian. You can be anywhere in the world but as long as you follow their ideals and beliefs, you are considered one. You don’t have to be born in a certain place or raised in one. You just have to practice their style of life in your own way. Being American is following your ideas and believing in your freedom no matter where you are. Being an American is an attitude. It is how you behave. It is having ideas and not being afraid to do something about it. It is accepting people no matter their background. It is willing to change and willing to take a chance. That is what Americanism is and anyone who follows these ideas and ways is an American, no matter where they are. Being an American is living life how you see fit. A birthplace is only necessary to fill out legalities, it does not determine who you are as a person. Only you can decide that. Do you want to parade your personality to everyone or cower and conform to society’s expectations? Do you want to be afraid of the new or embrace it with open arms? A country is no more than a piece of Earth. It is your decision to become who you want to be. Once you can do that, you are an
What Is Being An American? Philip warner All Americans have their own way to express themselves, some may play sports, and some may recite poetry, but for me, the only way I can express myself is through music. Being an American, we all have rights. The right to listen to the music of my choice, to express myself through song and my voice, and the right to perform my music for the public are all extremely important to me as an individual. These rights are fundamental…
Nacirema, “ by Horace Miner, is an essay written about the Nacirema, or American people, from an outsider’s perspective. Miner gives an insight on the Nacireman people, which he describes in his essay as an unknown tribe, and the completing of the Nacireman’s magical beliefs and practices, which involve daily, involuntary body rituals that cause much pain and discomfort. Miner shows how an outsider’s perspective can affect the way a culture is seen. In his essay, Miner uses a tone that is formal…
This chunk describes the introduction of the pink flamingo in American history. It describes the first time that Americans went vacationing and would want flamingo souvenirs, and how that grew into hotels decorated with flamingos and hot pink colors. Analysis: Price starts out her essay describing the introduction of the flamingo into American history because it helps to build her argument of the higher class citizens. Through the repetition of the word “bold” throughout the essay, Price was able to distinguish how she sees…
Today, we have separated , same sex, extended, and blended families. Society tries to explain these more contemporary families but has a harsh way of doing so. In the essay, Stone Soup, by Barbara Kingsolver, she discusses how society views families and in the essay, Family Values, by Richard Rodriguez, he talks about American family values. Both…
Berte, Leigh Ann Litwiller. “Mapping ‘The Octopus: Frank Norris’ Naturalist Geography.” American Literary Realism. 37.3 (Spring 2005). Berte calls for a reconsideration of the use of maps and cartography in The Octopus. The opening map of the novel, Berte suggests, has been too often condescendingly, or easily, dismissed as not integral to the novel. However, she argues that the map contained at the beginning does, in fact, play a crucial role in the text. Such a map “announces the centrality of…
Karyn Pham Professor Gray English 103 6 April 2014 Essay 4 In essays “Living in Spanish” by Marjorie Agosín and “Mothers Tongue” by Amy Tan, the narrators both experience the struggle of language and its barriers in America. In their essays, they explain that having the capability to speak proper English and assimilate themselves to American customs were ways of surviving in the US. Although there were many obstacles and challenges faced when adapting to America, they did not dismiss their true…
Thomas Paine has been able to open the eyes of American citizens to new ideas and arguments. In his essay Common Sense, he provides a number of arguments about Great Britain and the American government. He wrote an essay that included the thoughts that many of the citizens of America were thinking about, but didn’t act upon. He also provided several examples to explain his point of view. Furthermore, through the essay Common Sense, readers are able to see why Great Britain was not much of a help…
failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” This quote truly explains the idea of entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurial spirit is the motivation inside of someone to do something great. This is the perfect term to describe American greatness because without this type of drive many of the things we have in our country today would not have been accomplished. Can you image life in the 21st century without the World Wide Web, high definition TV’s, apple technology, smart phones…
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Essay # 2 “Based off of my already conceptualized knowledge of the word, I would have to say that a feminist is a person who strongly supports female rights.” This is a quote from my introduction paragraph of the first essay we wrote for this class. Having been in this class and read the works written by feminist authors, I have a better understanding of what a feminist actually is. I also have a better understanding of my identification with feminism. Feminism is an ongoing collection of movements…