Ryan Akers
English 101
Reading about Reading
A.) What did you already know about critical reading prior to reading these pieces? Which strategies had you already used? What has been the result of using those strategies?
Well the basic things that I regarded as critical reading really to me were just doing as it sounds, read critically. To be honest and reading through Bird, it shocked me to realize how much effort can actually go into “reading critically.” Which really is exciting to me and made a ton of sense. I actually was afraid of writing in my text books because at the end of the semester I would be turning in that book for cash. It makes sense to actually go through a book with a pen in hand and underline, highlight, mark or quote even. That way you really are getting the full amount of knowledge and education for your dollar spent. After all you are the one paying for your education, you might as well take advantage of it anyway you can!
B.) Based on what you read, what strategies seem important? Why? Which strategies do you plan to use this semester? Why?
To be honest I thought all ten strategies that Bird listed were extremely useful. Which were to find a quiet place to read, pre-read the assignment, annotate with a pen in hand, write main points in the margin, read with a dictionary, ask questions as you read, ask question like who, what and why, look for the elements of reasoning, think about the standards of critical thinking, and try to make connections in the readings. (I realize that may have been a run-on
Saad Abdullah English 11B 2/6/15 “Why, You Reckon?” Literary Analysis In the short story “Why, You Reckon?,” Langston Hughes gives the narrator a unique character in which he is very respectful but easily persuaded. Judging from the story, one can come to a conclusion that the narrator is uneducated and very poor. It can also be seen that he is living on the streets while always searching for a way to survive. He is ready to do anything for some food and that’s why he accepts the offer when the other black guy asks him…
Chantelle Mulveney ENG 3U-B Ms. Spadijer September 24, 2014 Unit 1 Key Question 3 /40 Marks From previous experience I have noticed that if different people read the exact same novel, they never interpret it in the exact same way. This remains true for the way that they interpret different aspects of the novel such as its characters. From reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon, I believe that the main character, Christopher Boone, is an honest, brave and intelligent…
ENGLISH LEGAL SYSTEM - UNIT 1. ACHIEVEMENT TEST No. 2 (For lessons 3 & 4) 1. The Common Law is so called because: a) it was designed to protect the ordinary people. b) the Judges sought to make English law common to all areas of the country. c) in the middle ages there were no such things as statutes d) the law was extremely simple to understand. 2. After the Norman Conquest, the social system devised by King William was called: a) the common law system b) the curia regis c) Frankelmoign…
Test 1: Measurement Form Experiment 1: Measuring a Penny Hypothesis: An English and metric ruler can be used to measure the width of a penny Evidence: one standard US penny, dated 2005, USD (currency 0.01) Steps taken in examination: Using an englishe (YCW) English ruler, the width of one US penny (0.01) was taken The edge of the ruler(the zero mark) was taken and put ont (YCW)the left side of the penny so that it measures across the widest point of the penny The penny measured 11/16ths of an…
CONTENT 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………3 2. Chapter 1: General notes on Phraseological units ………..………….…… …4 3. Chapter 2: The Main Ways of Translating English Phraseological Units into Armenian ………………………………………………………….9 2.1Translation through equivalents...………..………………………………..9 2.2Translation through analogues………….……………………….………..12 2.3 Descriptive translation…………………………………………………...15 2.4 The cases of inaccurate translation…….…………………………………
Course Information Sheet & Units Overview Date: July 13 - August 14, 2015 Teacher: Ms. Puopolo Department: English Principal: Joe Russo Curriculum Policy Document The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 & 12: English, 2007 (revised) Course Title English Course Code ENG 4U1 Grade & Type 12 University Pre-requisite English, Grade 11, University Preparation Full Year / Semester Summer Session (July-August) Credit Value 1 Course Description (As specified in Ministry of Education Policy Document) This…
Scope and Sequence – English 1A 2014-2015 Course English 1A Instructor(s) Troy Soles, Kelly Fitzpatrick-Sorem, Annie Wolfe Text Prentice Hall Gold Series Prerequisite none Grade 9 Course Description Students will study the short story, novel, and poetry while focusing on the narrative/imaginative and expository research. An ongoing emphasis is placed on independent reading as well as the state content and performance standards. Units Unit 1 (trimester long): Grammar…
WOODVALE SECONDARY COLLEGE Year 11 English Course: Assessment Overview 2A: Language and Action 2B: Language and the World This year you will be required to complete the two, 16 week long semesterised units listed above. Your assessment is based on your class and homework (70%) and your exam (30%). Assignments cover all areas of the syllabus – fiction and non-fiction, non-print media, oral language – but the areas of assessment are weighted as you can see by the table below. |…
degree include completing a minimum of 120 units. At least 42 of those units must be in upper-division (300-400 level) coursework. To graduate you must have a minimum 2.0 GPA in your major, minor, and overall. This page outlines your General Education requirements. Page 4 will review the requirements for the Psychology major. General Education Requirements: Foundations Composition ENGL 101, 107 AND ENGL 102, 108 Or ENGL 109H (along with a 4 or 5 on the AP English exam) Mid-Career Writing Assessment:…