Year 11 Course Selection Information: Attriving For Excellence

Submitted By Thushan-Withanage
Words: 8925
Pages: 36


YEAR 11 2016
Course Selection Information
Striving for excellence!!

Year 11 course selection timeline ............................................................... 3
Entering subject selections online ............................................................... 3
Course Selection Guidelines ................................................................................ 4

2018 Tertiary prerequisites.. ..................................................................... 5
Who to see if? ........................................................................................ 6
The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) .................................................. 7
Satisfactory completion of the VCE .............................................................. 7
VCE studies offered at GWSC ..................................................................... 8
VET studies ............................................................................................ 9
VET Laboratory Skills – VET subject offered at GWSC ........................................ 9
English Pathways .................................................................................. 10
English as an Additional Language .............................................................. 11
Maths Pathways .................................................................................... 11
Science Studies ..................................................................................... 14
Visual and Performing Arts, Systems & Design Technology ................................ 15
Language Studies .................................................................................. 16
Studying a VCE subject outside the College ................................................. 17
Unit 3&4 studies in Year 11. .................................................................... 18
The ATAR score and its calculation ............................................................ 20
Scaling ............................................................................................... 22
The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) ..................................... 23

Each student will receive a folder of information containing:
The Herald-Sun supplement with the 2018 tertiary prerequisites
The “Choice” booklet published by VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre)
The “Where to Now?” booklet published by the VCAA (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment
Authority) – a guide to VCE, VET and VCAL studies

Useful websites The Victorian Curriculum & Assessment Authority The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre The Inner Melbourne VET Cluster


YEAR 11 Course Selection Timeline
VCE Planning Seminars

July 13-July 16

VCE Information Night - Lecture Theatre
6.30 – 7.15 pm parents/guardians of students in Fraser & Goolagong Houses
7:30 – 8:15 pm parents/guardians of students in Bradman & Elliott Houses

Thursday 16 July

Friday 7 August
Closing date for EAL applications
Closing date for VCAA Second Language Applications for Units 3&4 Chinese, Korean,
Japanese & Indonesian
Parent/Student Course Counselling Interviews
The purpose of these interviews is to have a discussion about the student’s VCE subject selection in light of their Morrisby Report Vocational Assessment, their academic performance as indicated by the Semester 1 Report and their tertiary study/career aspirations.

First week of
August. Date to be confirmed Online course selection
Carefully read the instructions and fill in the online form. intranet/records/subjects (Classic)/Make my subject selections

Opens Friday 17
July and closes
Friday 31 Julyt

Tertiary Open Days


End of year course approval interviews
These may be necessary where students need to review their course selection in light of their