English Practice Essay The limitations of women in society are frequently discussed in literature. George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion, tells the story of Eliza Doolittle, a flower girl in Victorian times who is transformed into a duchess by a bullying, phonetics professor. Through his characters, Shaw explores the limitations of being a woman in the Victorian times which are; limited career choice and dependency on men, constantly being objectified, and Shaw proves to his audience in Pygmalion that there are very small number of career options that are deemed acceptable and attainable for women. The first character in which this can be seen is Eliza Doolittle, the protagonist of the play, who wishes to become independent and make a substantial income but is limited by the Professor Higgins and in a broader sense the current patriarchal society to only advance to a “lady in a flower shop”, or marry and become a “lady of society”. This helps show the limitations of women because it demonstrates how a women has only a certain amount of independence concerning careers as they are expected to rely on men to have the more prominent, important careers thus limiting the women’s ability to provide for herself and chose what she wishes to accomplish. A second example of women being limited in their career choice is the lack of diversity of careers of the female characters in this play. For example, the only careers of the female characters in this play is a flower girl, a lady of society, and a caretaker. These less important, independent, and educated professions are heavily contrasted with the professions of the male characters in the play. These include a Professor, a Colonel, and a lecturer. Shaw purposely does not include a large variety of professions within his female characters to emphasize to the audience the lack of diversity in real life and therefore he is satirizing reality. The limitations on women’s careers corresponds directly to the power than men have over women. In Victorian times it can be seen that men were regarded as more important and independent than women and in result women were treated as objects and the property of men. Shaw explores the concept of the objectification of women through the characters Alfred Doolittle and Mrs. Pearce. Firstly Alfred Doolittle, Eliza’s father sells Eliza to Higgins for “5 Pounds” as to suggest that women are mere commodities, burdens, or objects to men and without the women’s consent can be manipulated and used. This shows the objectification of women because Eliza was unable to make this decision for herself but
English Practice Question Task Chosen Question: 1 - Morality, Friendship, Social Acceptance Hypothesis: In the novel, Jasper Jones, by Craig Silvey, the events that occur, such as Laura’s death, allow Charlie to develop his understanding of Morality within the town Corrigan, during which his friendships that develop open his eyes to Corrigan’s, as well as his own, social acceptance of others. Focus Questions: 1. How does Charlie develop in Maturity and Morality in term of the events of Laura’s…
English Creative Writing Practice- Rachel Bonello The sound of chitter chatter and chuckling in the chaotic hallway exploded in my head as I stood before my dorm room doom. I flicked my side plait over my shoulder to pretend the exterior noises from anonymous faces swarming around me weren’t intensifying the self-consciousness swirling around inside of me. I don’t do group scenes. I never did really. The noises muffled as my eardrums focused on the creaking screech of the door as I softly opened…
a query about words, their origin, meaning, use, spelling, pronunciation, or any other aspect of international English? Then write to OWLS at the Australian National Dictionary Centre, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 (email ANDC@anu.edu.au). All queries will be answered using the full resources of The Australian National Dictionary and The Oxford English Dictionary. The Australian National Dictionary Centre and Oxford University Press also produce OZWORDS, a biannual…
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or present an argument, and Business schools take aim at bad writing, I understand that why business people tell our faculty that students write poorly. There are two important reasons that why students can not write efficiently: one is poor basic English writing skills and another is ineffective writing. First reason, students lack skills in grammar and lack of basic ability to express themselves in writing. From the article of University students: They can’t write, spell or present on argument,…
students in many other parts of the world learn English. Thailand is no exception to this unspoken rule. Because of the fact primary schools in Thailand have been teaching English for years, students should be relatively proficient in English knowledge. However, that does not seem to be the case for a majority of the students. That is why it's vital for schools to start putting a stronger emphasis on teaching Thai students how to speak and write in English. Ultimately, this will help them in both their…
Ryan Wanasida Simon Aebersold English 102 6 December 2013 The Experience Writing essay is not an easy task for someone with English as a second language. There are many requirements and techniques to write a good essay by learning it from an English course. Combining the writing tutorial course and introductory writing, it definitely helps in learning how to write a proper essay. My writing skill has greatly improved since the start of the semester by taking both introductory writing and writing…
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NCVPS Honors English 4 2015 Summer Calendar Day June 15 (Mon) June 16 June 17 June 18 June 19 Lesson Getting Started Module Day July 16 July 17 Begin Mod 1 Fairy Tales welcome, common core, Lesson 1 Fairy Tale Notes, Lesson 1 Fairy Tales Lesson Practice, Lesson 1 Fairy Tales Lesson Assignments Module 1 Lesson 2 Beowulf Notes, practice Mod 1 Lesson 2 Beowulf: Lesson Assignments, Mod 1 Lesson 3 Writing Notes Mod 1 Lesson 3 Essay Writing Lesson Practice, Mod 1 Lesson 3…