English: Causality and Formal Cause Essay

Submitted By rebecavila
Words: 339
Pages: 2

1. Terms

Ambiguity - originating from the Latin verb ambigere, which directly means to wander about, but can be used in terms of having two or more meanings or definitions; not specific

Cynicism - one who judges an argument as pointless, foolish, or ridiculous before actually knowing anything about it Indirect evidence - if one else claims to be feel or experience something, only they can truly know the fact that they are

Ontological truth - the basic form of the truth; real, true, and existent

Vagueness - originating from the Latin adjective vagus, directly meaning wandering, also means that there is a general lack of clarity in what is being said; lacking details

Gray areas - when there is not exactly a right or wrong and the truth is unclear

Syllogistic arguments - conclusions being drawn from an idea connecting with habitual thinking

Subjective fact - events or things that happen or that are made up from a first fact

3. Distinguish Among Causes

Wooden table
Efficient Cause: carpenter
Material Cause: wood, nails, screws
Formal Cause: the fact that it is a table and not any other piece of furniture