Essay on Employee Turnover

Submitted By superman1956
Words: 2149
Pages: 9

Dan Wilson
BUS370: Organizational Development
Amy Coats
May 18, 2015

In any industry turnover is inventible, people will retire and others will move on. Either way turnover can become very costly. Although a certain percentage can be avoidable. When employees feel valued and appreciated they are more likely to serve customers better. This is one of the first steps that I will collect data and analyze a consultant for the following organization to review for any potential areas of opportunity in the area of employee turnover. The desired change to be made in this case is to improve employee retention, while reducing employee turnover. By influencing a positive culture and hiring individuals within motivates employees to work harder to advance and boost company morale. Next I will review the authority of front line employees and review to provide them with more tools so that they may serve the customer better as well as take ownership and pride in their job. Employees who feel respected and trusted are more likely to be loyal to the company they are with reducing turnover and driving employee retention.
I believe the first step as a consultant is building trust and respect with those that I will be working with, by having an initial interview with everyone. “Since the consulting relationship depends on trust, the ability to put a client at ease and quickly establish an open relationship is critical to a consultant’s success.” (Bierema, 2014)While utilizing interpersonal and consulting skills when speaking with everyone I have found one apparent problem and that seems to be creating bad morale and impacting that culture of the organization negatively, that is employee turnover.
Now that I know employee turnover is the largest problem within the organization I can tailor a custom organizational development intervention. Employees displayed their dissatisfaction with the company in regards to hiring and training operations as well as heavy work volume with little to no positive structured guidance for successes. Hay (1999) argues that lack of training and development of employee skills was the largest determinant of turnover in organizations. With that being said, after obtaining this information and speaking with the leadership team I have come up with a plan of action for the organizations development intervention.
By clearly communicating the discrepancy in employee retention I will have better prepared employees of the organization for the changes to come. This of course all in an effort to make things easier down the road in hopes of meeting less resistance. As we all know it can be easy to make a changed but more challenging to uphold that change. Within the diagnostic intervention, initial meetings are had, data is collected and a plan of action is created. I completed desk sits with multiple employees working with them to help find what may help to streamline processes for them. During this initial discovery phase of action research many areas were of opportunity were found and determined to be restraining forces driving high turnover. With much to risk the plan that I have effectively described business goals, activities and projects that will eventually lead to the desired state of change.
In this case I am going to take a facilitator approach to work with manager to actually help them support the change process. The organization development tool that seems most appropriate for this situation is the force field analysis. “Research is employing force field analysis began appearing in the organization science literature in the late 1950's and early 1960's.” (Chipunza, 2009) By utilizing this form of intervention I will be able to determine both the driving forces towards making the change of positively effecting turnover versus the restraining forces that work against the change.
To determine these specific forces I have set up a few different means communicating with the