Remember To Space Between The Greeting, Body, And Closing Of An Email

Submitted By suzylee86
Words: 1601
Pages: 7

Email Tips

Remember to space between the greeting, body, and closing of the email.
Dear Scott,

Thank them for contacting us and address their main question in the first paragraph. Especially with upset customers, these emails are read quickly as they want to know that we understand their concern and are willing to help them.

Skipping a line between paragraphs allows a member to easily follow what we are telling them. This is especially helpful with emails that are lengthy or complicated in subject matter. A large quantity of information is less intimidating when it is organized. Members will also be less compelled to email again just to clarify what they have been told.

Feel free to contact us back with any further questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Member Services
Our support letters have been updated to close each communication with ‘Member Services’ instead of ‘Customer Service’. To ensure we are consistent with our written communication, emails should also be signed ‘Member Services’.
Ex: Thank you,

Jill Member Services

Address in a Sentence
If you are including a full address in the middle of a sentence, here is the proper format:

You may send your claim to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska at PO Box 3248, Omaha, NE 68180.
Avoid Spelling Errors
Everyone makes spelling errors. But we all need to be aware that even a single misspelled word can negatively impact the way the customer sees our company.
While we may think that we are able to notice spelling errors, it is important to use Microsoft Word to type an email before sending it.

This one paragraph in our response to a member contained three spelling errors. The entire email contained seven misspelled words.
We cannot determined if your employer group will implement the newest women's health care services until they renew in July 2013 and that's the reson for the respons you have received from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska.

Words that are commonly misspelled in our emails: • Authorization
• Inconvenience
• Reimbursement
• HIPPA instead of HIPAA
• Communication
• Reconsideration
• Deductible
• Coinsurance

Grammar Reminders

• They’re vs. their vs. there

They’re is the contraction of they are. Their expresses possession, and there introduces a subject such as “there is” or “there are.” There can also be used as referring to a place or direction. Ex: They’re going back there to write their paper.

• You’re vs. your

You’re is the contraction of you are. Your indicates possession. Ex: If you’re ready to go, go get your bag.

• It’s vs. its

It’s is the contraction of it is or it has. Its is possessive. Ex: It’s going to be placed back in its previous location.

Avoid Using Company Jargon


If you would prefer to use an abbreviation or acronym, simply use the full name first with the abbreviation immediately after it in parentheses. With this, you are then free to use the abbreviation throughout the rest of the email if necessary.

Ex: In order to have your waiting periods reviewed, you may submit a Certificate of Credible Coverage (COCC) from your previous insurance company.

• Home Plan/Host Plan

While some providers may be familiar with these terms, it is important to avoid using them to prevent confusion and repeat emails. If you are referring to a different plan, simply refer to them as “Blue Cross and Blue Shield of _______.”

Don’t Get Stuck in a Rut

Avoid beginning sentences with the same word or phrase. While it may seem minor, this type of repetitiveness can make it seem as though little thought and effort went in to our research and response.

I am showing that we received claim 123187526900 on 11/12/12 and it was processed on 12/14/12. I am showing that we sent a check for $205.00. I am showing that your liability