Alex Covell
US Government AP
Mr. Styles
February 13, 2015
The Electoral College was comprised due to the country facing the difficult question of how to elect the president. The first proposed suggestion for solving the issue was to have congress choose, but that was quickly rejected. Then they wanted the state legislatures to choose, but that too was rejected. Finally, they decided on an indirect election of the president through a college of electors. In the Electoral College system, the states serve as the centurial groups and the number of votes each state receives is determined by the size of the state’s congressional delegation. The first design of the Electoral College allocated a number of electors equal to the number of its senators, always two, plus the number of US representatives. The manner of choosing electors was left to individual state legislatures, and each state elector was required to gather together in one great meeting. The person with the more electoral votes, provided it was a majority, would become president, and whoever received the next greatest amount would be vice president. The whole operation was designed to function without political parties and without national campaigns. The second design of the Electoral College, after four year with the first design, was created to prevent ties. The twelfth amendment of the constitution requires that each elector cast only one vote for president, and a separate for a vice president. Along with this change, the House of Representatives were held responsible for choosing a president in case of any further ties. Every other part remained the same from the first design. Through its history, the Electoral College has undergone a tremendous evolution. The first trend it encountered was towards choosing Electors by the direct popular vote of the whole state population, and the second being what is called the “winner-take-all” system of choosing electors. For the first fifty years of the federation, congress permitted the states to conduct their presidential elections anytime in a 34 day period before the first Wednesday in December which caused dramatic issues. To combat this problem, congress adopted a uniform day, the Tuesday following the first Monday in November in years devisable by four, on which states were to choose their electors. In 1888, the Elector College imposed two requirements on the candidate for president: the victor obtains a sufficient popular
How can the thing we hold to the highest honor being president, and the way you become there. The electoral college the biggest question we have in the way we elect our highest honor but shouldn’t something with that much of power behind it there should be no reform plans no questions on it and it should be absolutely perfect. Can you say that this plan is perfect or can it be improved through maybe even one of these reform plans? Or would it be better maybe with something different that n one has…
Thierno B. Ly 01/28/15 Government Objective Paper Those who occupy the office of president in the United States are entrusted with enormous responsibility. The president is the leader of the Executive Branch and holds all the power bestowed by the constitution, and occupies many roles that must be handled simultaneously. Because the Executive branch consists of the president, his duties and powers are many times that of a regular officer in order to establish a balance between the executive and…
war 3. Quartering Act a. Allowed Soldiers to be in people’s homes. 4. Intolerable Acts a. Closes the Boston Harbor b. Governor out of office 5. Tea Act a. Boston Tea Party a.i. Indian dress up 6. Townshend Duties a. Taxes on glass, paint, paper, oil, lead, and tea. b. Writs of Assistance Declaration of Independence 1. Preamble a. Explains why the Continental Congress drew up the Declaration of Independence 2. Declaration of Natural Rights a. Lists the rights of the citizens b. In…
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Opposed Constitution - Large landowners, wealthy -Weak state govs, strong nat. gov -Indirect election -government by elite -small farmers, laborers -strong state gov, weak nat. gov -direct election of officials -rule by common man Federalist Papers #10- written by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison and John Jayy; argued philosophical foundations of U.S. gov. ; argued separation of powers and federalism check the growth of tyranny and also guard against dangers of direct democracy (controlled…
Thomas Jefferson and kept up with national politics. “To prepare for the Philadelphia meeting, Madison bought more than two hundred books on history and government, analyzing their accounts of past confederacies and republics” page 174. He also wrote a paper, “Vices of the Political System of the United States”, which revealed his belief that the government be constructed so that it could not become tyrannical. He also influenced the development of the Virginia and New Jersey Plans. 3.) What was the…
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Compromise Virginia Plan - Representation based on population New Jersey Plan – Representation is equal Slaves are 3/5 man and states decide qualifications for voting. Madisonian Model Voters voted for the House, Electoral College and state legislatures. The electoral college voted…
picture on it) - Ballot/ Registration/ County (absents) * Political debate: 선거 위해 소요되는 시간이 2시간 이상이면? <March 4, 2013> Issues with States – ID (Picture ID) / Registration / methods: ballot (usually paper vote) Increase turnout (60%) New technology help vote system **Example: 1948 Senate vote corrupt → how & who count the votes? Why state ballot – fusion ballot D (Devon) -------- WF (working family) R (Rushbolt)…
unanimous consent. The Articles were designed to have a weak central government and allowed the states too much power. The Constitution, on the other hand, produced a completely different government. The executive branch was created and the Electoral College was used to elect a president rather than a direct vote in order to prevent mobocracy. The Commerce Compromise allowed Congress to tax imported goods but not exported ones. Checks and balances were put into place for the different branches of…