Those who occupy the office of president in the United States are entrusted with enormous responsibility. The president is the leader of the Executive Branch and holds all the power bestowed by the constitution, and occupies many roles that must be handled simultaneously. Because the Executive branch consists of the president, his duties and powers are many times that of a regular officer in order to establish a balance between the executive and much larger legislative and judicial branches. The president has a duty to fulfill each role to his highest potential, but this is very taxing on one person and so it goes to show that not everyone is suited to be president, and that its a tough job. The president has many roles that must be filled, for example his/her job as Chief Citizen is to be a positive role model for all american citizens. Another role that the president takes is the role of Chief of State. This occupation makes the president become the face of america, its head of state. All the roles of the president are interrelated, because the president's performance in one role might make him give less effort into another role, which would cause a problem because all the roles must have an acceptable balance in order for the president to do his job correctly.
Throughout the existence of Americas constitution there have been many changes in regards to the Executive branch, which have altered the strength of said branch. There have been 3 amendments that have in some way changed the rules of the executive branch. The 3 amendments are the 12th,22nd, and 25th amendments. The 12th amendments goal was to separate the ballots for presidents and vice-presidents by the electoral college. If there is no majority vote then the house of representatives chooses the president and the senate chooses the vice-president. The 22nd amendment limited the amount of time a person can spend in the presidential office to 2 terms or 10 years. The last amendment made in regards to the executive branch Is the 25th amendment. The presidential succession act. This bill establishes the order of succession for the seat of president should something happen to the current president in office. The order Is as follows: vice president,
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