EEOC Paper Week Four
Tyler Steinle
In this case the dispatcher had been treating the client with racially offensive comments and epithets such as "gorilla," "porch monkey," and the N-word. There had also been other complaints but they were all over looked. Other truck drivers witnessed the racial harassment, and one white co-worker even complained to management, but the employers failed to take immediate and effective action and the harassment continued, said the agency. The organization ended up being found guilty and paying 30,000 dollars to the plaintiff which seems kind of low to me as a payment for pain and suffering. In cases like this you sometimes see the dollar amounts a lot high than in this case.
EEOC San Francisco Regional Attorney William R. Tamayo said, "All employees have the right to work in an environment free from hostility, intimidation, and ridicule. In this case, the companies failed to live up to their responsibility to provide a workplace free of racial hostility.”
It is very important for businesses to keep up with and maintain a racial and sexual harassment free work place to avoid conflicts such as this one. Now a day we find our self’s working in and with many different types of people and it is important to treat them as you would like to be treated. In any case I feel that the out turn was in the best case scenario for everyone.
The EEOC’s role in this lawsuit was to defend and up hold the law. People need to be treated equally and if there is a complaint it needs not be over looked or blown off but taken very serious as it is. Without taking care of the issues before it becomes a hate crime, harassment in this case it could have ended up be much worse had this gone on too much longer unattended. It was a good thing that the EEOC was contacted and was able to take care of the case before it got out of hand for either party’s involved. The EEOC in this case did a great job and made sure that the situation was handled professionally and taken care of well.
Before any lawsuit could take place I would put in affect a plan to stop the wrong doing before it started. Each worker would have to sign a personal negligence letter stating that any racial, hate crimes or harassment would not be tolerated at our facility. Each person is to be treated equal in all ways, man or women or by skin color. Verbal and written warning will put in affect the first time. Letting your employee’s know it will not be tolerated from the start and not letting things go past, what is right. Just because someone may say it as a joke does not make it right in no way. Any employee should not bring that in the workplace. Everyone should be treated in the upmost respect.
In the case of The Historic Outreach Agreement, Detroit Field Office of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Consulate of Mexico. In the agreement with the two will work together to provide Mexican nationals with different issues such as information, guidance, and access to resources on the prevention of discrimination in the workplace regardless of immigration status. Immigration is a very big issue in the United State now a days and is something that every CEO or higher up officials should be familiar with to help cover them self’s and their workers alike. Being up to date with these big issues will help to limit work place incidents.
Detroit Field Office solidified our continued and longstanding commitment to an underserved community," said Cober. "This MOU provides the opportunity for ongoing education, outreach and service by the EEOC to this community. We look forward to a long-lasting and significant partnership." The (EEOC) will expand its relationship with the Mexican Consulate by providing it with Spanish-language materials explaining the laws enforced by the federal agency. In addition, the EEOC
still remain in effect and continue to evolve to protect the citizens and non-citizens of the USA. Overview of the EEOC’s Function One particular group that exists to protect the employee is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The EEOC “is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job…
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