Education - Primary Essay

Submitted By AlanahEmily1
Words: 909
Pages: 4

Evaluation of Lesson Plans -
Example 1: Writing a Diary Entry – Year 5
In this lesson plan students show imagination, creative and different ideas of what perspectives their pets may see them as. After listening to a few diary entries children further develop their skills in writing a short diary entry as this can help them in the future. Giving an oral presentation can make students more confident in presenting their work to a small group of peers for feedback and more ideas of what could have been added into the diary entry. For students that don’t have a pet at home they can simply ask the teacher if they can have some sort of image to be printed so they can have the image beside them and have a more creative outlook for a better understanding of what is required. Convey different ideas for students so they have a better understanding of what to write about their pet and how their pet sees them as. The time allocated to do this task is 25 minutes. Some students may find it difficult to write 150 words in 25 minutes as they may have to count their words so they don’t go over the word limit. Rating this lesson plan overall would be passable as it is easy for a relief teacher to tell the students what work needs to be completed.
Example 2: Learning the Times Tables – Year 1
In this lesson plan students learn their two times tables. Some may already know their two times tables as they may have older siblings that have taught them which will give them the confidence in class to read out their two times tables to their peers. Whilst each student is saying out their two times tables one by one in front of their peers, this will help students be more confident in their times tables. The lesson plan isn’t really set out right for a relief teacher as it doesn’t explain how much time they need for this particular activity especially if the students have to create bingo cards for them to read off. I didn’t really like the way this lesson plan was set out and I think it was a bad example especially for a relief teacher.
Example 3: Measurement: estimation and measurement of jumps. Year 1/2.
In this lesson plan students will have to cooperate with other peers and work together. This is also a cognitive skill as they have already learnt the basics of measurement and estimation in the last term of school work. This lesson plan doesn’t show you what students will achieve but only to learn how to measure something. Students have not yet been shown how to write a graph and record their results. Students should be able to record their jumping distance on the smart board from ascending to descending in the correct order. I think this lesson plan would be more suitable for the teacher of the class and not a relief teacher as the students have to be moved out of the classroom to complete this activity as they have to jump in a line and also have to take equipment outside to use.

Example 4: Mathematics – Year 4/5
Students should find this lesson plan to be easier then times tables as they already have the knowledge and skills to multiply numbers. This lesson plan also teaches children how to count money for when they want to buy something and know how much change they should be getting back. This is a cognitive skill that most students should already have. Students should be