The article is about the learning theory jungle it explores a student learning process and issues in teaching to understand the learning theory of each student. There are many different learning processes as it shows in the article itself. It also tell us that there an irony exists in higher education itself. It shows in the article there The article is about the learning theory jungle it explores a student learning process and issues in teaching to understand the learning theory of each student. There are many different learning processes as it shows in the article itself. It also two kinds of learners k- 12 and college student two different minds one more developed and one still able to let things soak in. As an adult can either motived or just not be willing to learn at all. But for some adults “in most instances is that college and university faculty learn to teach by trial and error with little mentoring or coaching available to them. “ And it also saying learning theory can be confusing, conflicting, and not fully understandable. So it can break down to understand more so it’s not so confusing to higher education. It explains in more in how it works and it process to some people. Which it explain in the article like this abstract, track down process, the learning organization, and the conclusion which kind of breaks it down to where it makes it easier to understand. Some people learn more than have their way of learning process which may be different for other like it says in the article.
My opinion on the learning theory jungle is the everyone is different in their one of
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