Duty of Care Essay

Words: 924
Pages: 4

Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role.

To have a duty of care means to be accountable for the children and young people in our care by e.g. exercising authority, managing risks, working safely, safeguarding children and young people, monitoring own behaviour and conduct, maintaining confidentiality, storing personal information appropriately, reporting concerns and allegations, making professional judgements, maintaining professional boundaries, avoiding favouritism, maintaining high standards of conduct outside the professional role.

Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals.

Our duty of care does contribute greatly to the safeguarding of children and young

This will enable people to express their displeasure of a service, person, situation etc.

Every complaint should:

Be taken seriously and dealt with promptly and fully

Be acknowledged within a specified time

Have time limits for preliminary investigation

Be monitored and progress reported to the complainant

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) provide detail on how complaints should be dealt with in their “Essential Standards of
Equality and Safety”.

CQC state what people who use services should experience, as:

Being sure their comments and complaints are listened to and acted on effectively.
Knowing that they will not be discriminated against for making a complaint.
CQC state this is because providers who comply with the regulations will:

Have systems in place to deal with comments and complaints, including providing people who use services with information about that system.

Support people who use services or others acting on their behalf to make comments and complaints

Consider fully, respond appropriately and resolve, where possible, any comments and complaints

Explain the main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints.

If at any point in time we receive any complaints at work, especially from the children and young people we work with or from their families, it is important that we record these comments and pass them on to the line manager. If the individual making the comment is