DSM-IV Evaluation
Jamie Erwin
July 5, 2015
Professor RaTonya Gibson
DSM-IV Evaluation
Case Study One: Schizoid personality disorder.
In behavioral framework it is believed the certain environments and/or your genetic factors can cause an individual to develop schizoid personality disorder. Also things like children who grow up with parents who are not emotionally there can at times result in the developing of this disorder and abuse suffered as a child can all contribute to the development of this disorder. Treatment for this disorder has shown limited effectiveness.
Case Study Two: Narcissistic personality disorder. This disorder is in the psychodynamic theory. This is characterized by a child’s exposure to their parents neglect or rejection of them, losing a parent whether it be because of separation, divorce, and even death. A child can build up defenses to their emotions making themselves seem fine and having no real need for personal attachment. The complete opposite to this of course are the parents who over dote on their children, these children can develop a feeling of superiority to others.
Case Study Three: Hysterical Somatoform / Conversion disorder. This disorder is poorly understood. In psychodynamic models, there are a couple of ways of dealing with internal conflict, there is primary gain and secondary gain. With primary gain a person substitutes their feeling of struggle and fear by creating a physical ailment in themselves. With secondary gain an individual actually uses a perceived illness or ailment as a way of shunning a situation that they are fearful of or simply to gain sympathy from others.
Case Study Four: Dissociative amnesia disorder.
This disorder is an expression of memory repression, the belief that an individual has experienced a traumatic occurrence and they have unconsciously block the
DSM-IV Evaluation Erica A. Hubbard PSY/270 May 5, 2015 Dr. Elizabeth Kindall In the interest of Case Study 1, I have determined that Josephine is suffering from Schizoid Personality Disorder. At this time there are no causes of Schizoid Personality Disorder; therefore, the cause is unknown for Josephine. It is possible that it could be a result of her genetics. A potential treatment plan I would recommend for Josephine would be to begin cognitive-behavioral therapy, drug therapy…
provided by the DSM-IV I will discuss and Diagnose this character pun intended. The only thing in this paper that will be neglected is Axis V which would require a face to face professional therapy session (APA 2000). To accurately diagnose the Mad Hatter it is essential to review his past in combination with his current symptoms. After carefully examining and giving a diagnosis to the Mad Hatter I will provide what I believe will be the best treatment for the individual in respect with the DSM. To say…
Assignment: DSM – IV Evaluation School: University of Phoenix Course: PSY/270 Instructor: Lorry Bradley, M.A. By: Ronald Berry 1. Case Study 1 DSM – IV: Schizoid Personality Disorder A. Causes: When it comes to this disorder the exact cause is unknown, even though a combination of environmental and genetic factors especially in early childhood…
treatment. Escamilla (2001) notes that mood disorders are not diagnosed if certain other mental illnesses, particularly ongoing substance abuse or psychotic disorders (e.g., schizophrenia, schizo-affective disorder), are present. According to the DSM IV-TR (2000) when major depressive episodes occur in patients with no history of manic, hypomanic or mixed episodes, major depression may be diagnosed. The diagnosis of an episode of major depression requires that symptoms must be severe enough to cause…
from accepted social standards, values or norms. Maladaptive behavior approach- psychology damaging or abnormal it if interferes with individuals ability to function in his or her personal life or in society. Clinical assessment- a systematic evaluation of an individual’s various psychological, biological, biological and social factors, as well as the identification of past and present problems, stressors, and other cognitive or behavioral symptoms Neurological tests- to check for possible brain…
diagnostic criteria, compare research regarding the herb treatment Kava, the benzodiazepines, and Behavioral cognitive therapy, and theses treatments outcomes. According to the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR, 2000) it states that “The essential feature of Generalized Anxiety Disorder is excessive anxiety and worry, occurring more days than not for a period of at least six months, about a number of events or activities”. This quote covers Criteria…
latest changes on the DSM IV we will focus on the disorders that make the cut, changes in the DSM and the treatment to the disorders. Personality Disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual’s culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time and leads to distress or impairment, (The American Psychiatric Association, 1994). The DSM-5 Proposal for Personality…
but they were recorded as abnormal behaviour. Real patients knew they were fakes, doctors did not. +EV, -ethics (deception), bias, max contol, C/E, generalize JHS – to see the effects of race and depression on evaluations by Euro American therapists Experiment IV: Rate DV: diagnosis * E-A rated depressed A-A rated depressed and anti social De Nardo Discuss the validity and reliability of diagnosis Valitdity – extent to which diagnosis is accurate…
The current standard evaluation criteria used for diagnosis is the DSM-IV, with actual diagnosis being extremely difficult, treatment even more complicated, or at times simply not possible depending upon the illness and/or willingness of the affected individual to actually participate in managing their illness. Characteristics vary widely with a main underlying theme of general loss of insight and reality. A multiaxial system including five axes are part of the DSM-IV classifications. These…
1996) was administered. Parental administration is recommended when direct questioning may induce anxiety in the child. The instrument was used to aid diagnosis because it encompasses the major childhood disorders including anxiety according to the DSM IV Criteria. The ADIS has an interference rating scale that ranges from 0 absent - 8 high. Diagnosis is indicted by the impairment rating on each scale of 4 or greater (Silverman, Saavedra, & Pina, 2001) The…