Final Draft: Driving Under the Influence Making the decision to get behind the wheel after drinking, could be life changing. There are so many other ways to get home or to wherever you are needing to go. There are taxis, somebody to call, or simply assigning a designated driver before going out and drinking. Driving under the influence can be detrimental at any time to anyone including yourself and loved ones. Yet, many people around the world continue to drive under the influence every day. Side effects from drinking can and will affect a person’s ability to make decisions, unfortunately, the decision results in driving under the influence way too often. Driving under the influence is a major risk to the driver, passengers in the car, innocent bystanders, and other cars and its passengers that are sharing the road with the intoxicated driver. Effects of alcohol can vary depending on gender, weight, age, general health, medications, and state of mind (Byrd, 2011). Alcohol has an effect on the brain. Those effects can range depending on how much a person drinks. Effects can range from just feeling relaxed with a blood alcohol concentration of .05 and range all way to death when having a blood alcohol concentration of .40 or higher (Byrd, 2011). Most of the symptoms caused by alcohol include: lack of judgment, decreased reaction time, decreased or impaired fine motor skills, blurred vision, slurred speech, and vomiting. (Byrd, 2011). Knowing the side effects alcohol has on the brain should be enough to keep people from getting behind the wheel and driving. A driver that has been drinking, will often speed because alcohol affects the cerebellum, the part of the brain involved in motor functions (Pearlson, 1999). Drunk drivers also tend to weave in and out of lanes because of issues with the front parietal cortex, a part of the brain that translates sensory information and helps the decision making process (Pearlson, 1999). Another factor that should keep people away from driving under the influence is how illegal it is and the criminal consequences associated with driving under
Drunk Driving Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol PSY285 Week Five Rachael Unverdorben 11/23/14 As if the world is not dangerous enough as it is, we have those late night drinkers who feel fine enough to drive home. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is against the law and very deadly. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) ”33,561 people died in traffic crashes in 2012 in the United States”, due to driving under the influence. Of course…
Effects on driving when under the influence of: Alcohol Marijuana Cocaine When under the influence of alcohol, the human body becomes slower than when sober. Reflexes are impaired and motor skills are almost completely lost. The legal blood to alcohol limit is .08. Anything above that could result in a high costing ticket, a license suspension, and if you are a constant offender, a license revocation. These are just the penalties if you are pulled over for driving drunk, not the possible physical…
English 110 6 August 2013 The New Drunk Driving Imagine driving down the highway and looking over only to see the person next to you with their eyes glued to their cellphone, texting away without a care in the world. What thoughts cross your mind? Most likely you fear for your child’s safety, your own safety, and everyone else’s safety driving on the roads that day. According to Centers for Disease Control, distracted drivers kill more than fifteen people every single day, making distracted drivers…
Driving under the influence of any illegal substance or alcohol is a foolish and dangerous thing to do in any situation. There is never a good reason to get behind the wheel while you are under the influence of any substance that is going to cloud your judgment to drive your car properly. I know this first hand, because I decided that I could drive my car while I was under the influence of prescription medication and alcohol. Even though I did not have that many drinks the prescription medication…
The Public Health Problem Drinking and driving has been identified as one of the most important contributors of motor vehicle fatalities and remains a problem among licensed drivers. These fatal cases are caused by excessive and irresponsible drinking. Various research and studies over the years have found that alcohol consumption in moderate levels can be good for health. For example, one glass of red wine a day can improve cardiovascular health. However, when taken in excessive amounts, alcohol…
those that choose to drive under the influence. In 2010, 1,768 people died in California due to traffic crashes that were a result of alcohol and other drugs. Drunk driving kills a large amount of people every year. Drinking and driving not only puts one’s life on the line, but also endanger the life of innocent people in the around them. According to the State of California, it is illegal to drive a motor vehicle if the percentage of alcohol is .01. “Drunk driving laws in The State of California…
Drunk Driving Imagine being in a bar with some friends, everyone is drinking and having a great time; you are way too drunk to drive. You are going to leave and go home and have a high risk of endangering someone but instead your nice friends remind you of it and call a cab for you. Drinking and driving is a very serious problem that we all have to face in our society today. Drunk driving is a crime that is very dangerous and very deadly to everyone. Many people drive under the influence of alcohol…
Drunk driving has never been a pretty sight or something that has been approved by society. Not only does being under the influence while driving pose a threat to the well-being of the person driving but also endangers the welfare of others driving that path. Driving under the influence is a choice and any deterrent is totally for warned. I strongly believe that there should be zero tolerance for driving under the influence of alcohol. A mandatory jail sentence on the first offense would send…
PERSUASION, INDOCTRINATION, AND INOCULATION 2 There are many dangers that plague us in today’s society. One of the most pressing issues is that of driving under the influence of alcohol. This is a problem for many reasons. Firstly, driving while intoxicated is illegal. It shows the rising problem of substance abuse, and most importantly, driving drunk is deadly. According to "" (2008-2013), "900,000 are arrested each year for DUI/DWI and a full 1/3 of those are repeat offenders”…
Impaired Driving In Ontario What is impaired driving? Impaired driving is operating any motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The maximum legal blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, limit in Ontario for fullylicensed drivers over the age of 21 is 0.08. Novice drivers and drivers under the age of 21 must have a BAC of 0.00. Driving with a BAC over the legal limit is a criminal offence. While a BAC of 0.08 is the legal limit, driving after drinking at all is dangerous…