Dog Adoption Excel Essay example

Submitted By CForester1975
Words: 1930
Pages: 8

Microsoft Access Database
“Dog Adoption”

1. Creating a Database from Scratch (1-1)

a. Open MS Access in Backstage view (The File tab shows Backstage view) b. Select New in the Navigation Bar and select Blank database c. Highlight or delete the default name in the file name box and type the name for your database (Animal Adoption) d. Click browse button folder icon and locate the drive and folder to save your database (Drive: D - Folder: MSACCESS/Midterm) e. Click the Create button below the file name box and an empty table opens.

2. Creating a Table in Datasheet View (1-1)

Shelter Table

Purpose: The purpose of creating this table was to contact the different shelters in the Arizona to assist them in finding homes for the animals.

a. Named Fields (Grouped common field name together.) b. Set Data Type (Ribbon) c. Manually Entered 11 records in Datasheet view d. Switched to Design view and set the field size and Captions

Shelter Table * ShelterID- primary key-Text- 4 * ShelterName- Text-25 * ShelterAddress- Text- 25 * ShelterCity– Text-20 * ShelterState- Text-2 * ShelterZip- Text-5 * ShelterPhone – Text-20 * ShelterFirst- -Text-20 * ShelterLast- Text-20 * ShelterEmail- Text-20 * Occupancy- Text-5

3. Creating a Simple Query (1.2)

Purpose: To locate the shelters with open occupancy

a. Table – Shelter Table b. Fields- ShelterName, ShelterFirst, ShelterLast, ShelterPhone, Occupancy. c. Run Query and Sort Descending – 2 records showing “Open” occupancy. (Tutorial 3-1) d. Save and Name Query. (ShelterOccupancy)

4. Creating a Simple Form (1.2)

Purpose: To create a form that makes it easier to view the shelters information.

a. With my Shelter table open in Datasheet view, I select Form on the Ribbon, located on the Create tab in the Forms group. b. Rename title to “Shelter Data” c. Name and Save the form as ShelterData

5. Creating a Simple Report (1.2)

a. With my Shelter table open in Datasheet view, I selected Report on the Create tab Ribbon in the Reports group. b. Resized my columns and rename Title to Shelter Details c. Print Review and changed Layout to Landscape so my Report will print to one page. d. Save and name Report. (ShelterDetails)

6. Creating a Table in Design View (2.1)

Purpose: The Vet table was created to help track the veterinarians that treat the animals in the shelters. The Animal table was created to locate the animals I am trying to find homes for.

a. Select Create Tab on the Ribbon and click Table Design button to create a new table b. Define each field in Design view c. Set Data Type, Caption, Field Size d. Specify Primary key – (Select the row of field to be set as Primary Key, select Tools Design Tab, click Primary Key) e. Add records to the table in Datasheet view

7. Setting Table Relationships (2.2)

a. Define the one-to-many relationship between the Shelter and Veterinarian tables (Shelter is the “one” and Veterinarian is the “many’) b. Define the one-to-many relationship between the Veterinarian and Dog tables (Veterinarian is the “one and Dog is the “many”)

Vet Table

* VetID- primary key- text-4 * ShelterID-foreign key –text - 4 * Facility- text - 25 * VetFirst- text -20 * VetLast- text -20 * VetAddress-text-25 * VetCity-text-20 * VetZip- text- 5 * VetPhone-text 20

Animal Table

* TagID - primary key –Text -6 * VetID-foreign key- text-4 * PetName- Text - 20 * Species –Text- 20 * Breed – Text- 20 * Color – Text-20 * Coat- Text - 20 * Size– Text - 20 * DOB – Date/Time- Format is mm/dd/yyyy * ShelterTwoMonths- Yes/No * Memo-Memo

8. Creating a Multi-table Query (3-1)

Purpose: Create a multi-table query to view the values from both the Shelter and