Disturbed Characters In Macbeth

Submitted By HARVEY_H
Words: 770
Pages: 4

In this piece of coursework I will be exploring how disturbed characters are expressed in Macbeth and three poems that I have chosen which are medusa, havisham and hitcher by analyzing all three and giving my thought s and argument on the question and finish with a brief overview of what I have discussed in this piece of coursework I will also be including three paragraphs stating what I can evidence I can get from each poem.

Disturbed characters can be seen in characters through many things such as madness, suicide and someone hearing voices in their head, In the play Macbeth and in the poem medusa disturbed characters are massively expressed mainly through evil and murder, also both characters (Macbeth and medusa) are desperate for something Macbeth is desperate for power whilst medusa is desperate for love. In Macbeth two of the main characters are very deeply disturbed, greedy murderers doing anything for power expressed in the scene leading up to the murder of banqou where this quote is said “ “ and after the murder of banqou, Macbeth is haunted by banqou and therefore haunted by his past liking to medusa who Is also haunted by her past every time she looks at a living thing expressed in the stanza that reads “wasn’t I beautiful, wasn’t I fragrant and young?, Look at me now” this stanza emphasizes remorse and regret that medusa is feeling in this quote medusa is also talking about how she has lost he beauty her woman hood and how for no she Is not a woman but a monster, similar to lady Macbeth in the scene where she is so anxious to be able to kill she has her woman hood taken away shown in act I scene 5 when lady Macbeth says come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here . medusa’s quote also links to Macbeth in act 1 scene 5 when lady Macbeth says “make thick my blood; stop the access and passage to remorse “ this links because medusa is showing a lot of remorse and regret and has become a monster but lady Macbeth is wanting no remorse of her actions in a way she is turning herself in to a monster and you someone would have to incredibly disturbed in order to do such a thing.

In the poem hitcher the theme disturbed characters is also expressed, the poem starts with a man who is felling ill and under threat of losing his job, getting messages from work but not reply and so no describes the answerphone as screaming at him as if it were a living thing. The narrator is told that the truth is “blowin I the wind” the narrator says that the truth is perhaps “round the next bend”, tnis is a ominous precursor to what happens next. During the attack you can tell the man does not hold back and it ruthless with envy. Armitage uses enjambment to link the third stanza to the fourth when the