English Coursework Essay examples

Submitted By oyin123
Words: 677
Pages: 3

Compare the ways that Weldon and Chaucer present struggles for power between men and women in relationships.
Both Weldon and Chaucer highlight the themes of gender inequality in relationships and society and of course the issues that arise during the times the two short stories were set. ‘Weekend’ appeared in the Penguin book of Modern short stories (Martin Bradbury ed.) it’s strongly feministic and satirical fiction about the protagonist, a wife and working-mother in the 1970’s shows the significant text in relation to the position of women in the second wave of feminism in the Twentieth Century. Weldon deliberately uses third person narrative voice through the character of Martha as it allows this free indirect style to effectively draw the reader’s attention. The sense of anecdote makes the reader sympathise with Martha and reach a greater understanding of the unrealistic expectations and roles of women. To succeed this, Weldon
‘The Wife of Bath’s Tale’ comes from a wider collection of Tales known as ‘The Canterbury Tales’ which reflect the values and attitudes of the 14th Century England, depicting life at all social levels. The oral tradition of storytelling emphasise the medieval theme that is seen throughout the poem, ‘The Wife of Bath’ is one of the most popular characters in Chaucer’s ‘The Canterbury Tales’ as it successfully shows how women were viewed in medieval times – as temptress and this idea that they’re creators of sin who destroy men by their seductive nature, this is challenged bu tThe contrast in provenance within the two short stories allows the reader to clearly identify whether or not overtime, the roles of men and women in relationships have changed. Both short stories represent gender and their expectation of what they want from the world from an emotional viewpoint as in both text, females are given a voice which makes the stories particularly interesting. Both short stories give dramatic monologues which allow the authors to explore their characters minds and voice their opinion.
In ‘The Wife of Bath’, the theme of gender is presented, in extract one, line 903 – 905 ‘ Andyafhym to the queene al at hirwille, To chesewheither she woldehym save or spille. The queenethanketh the kyng with al hirmight,’. At the very start we see the male sovereignty as the queen ask the King’s permission to deal with the knight’s punishment. The use of allegory ‘ Wheither she woldehym save or spille’ portrays this idea that the decision the queen have been given is decisive as the word ‘spille’ have connotations of