Discussion #1 Essay

Submitted By amylynnpuckett
Words: 535
Pages: 3

1. Most evidence given for alien sightings and abductions are based upon stories from various individuals. The credibility can be questioned in many cases. Determining whether the person claiming to have encountered an alien is being honest can be difficult. Even if evidence is given like the skid marks and oil-like substance from the “Flatwoods Monster”, how would one know if the evidence was placed there and not from al alien encounter? When multiple cases are reported with the same description, the credibility can be either acceptable or not adequate. Rumors can spread in areas, causing multiple people to give the same description of encounters. With this day in age, many individuals would do a lot for attention that an alien sighting could give. 2. There are many alternate explanations for the sightings declared by many people. Some of the UFOs individuals claim to be aliens have been identified as different objects in the sky. These objects can be meteors, balloons, and aircrafts. The credibility of these explanations for alien sightings can be very plausible. In some cases, lights have been declared be spotted. Meteors, balloons, and various aircrafts are highly capable of producing a source of light. In the case of “Mothman”, sightings could have been mistaken for barred owls. The “glowing” eye description can be explained by the strong, red eye shine the owls have. Sightings were also reported to be near a wildlife sanctuary where barred owls stayed. 3. The general description of an alien is the little, green bodies, big head, and large, black eyes. The reason for this set description of an alien is due to the large-scale publicity from assorted sightings. Cases such as the “abduction” of Betty and Barney Hill and Betty Anderson described the aliens spotted as the general description society uses as of now. These cases were wildly issued in the news and spread around the nation, causing many to believe this portrayal of aliens. There have been many set interpretations of aliens because the cases extensively broadcasted are the assumed appearance of an alien at the time. Established