Week 1 Discussion 1 Essay

Submitted By chuchi0712
Words: 315
Pages: 2

Definition of Software as a Service (SaaS)
This is a software the work as a service the allows organization access to their business functionality. Most of the biggest corporations decide go with (SaaS) since the price is based on monthly fees ,which is a completely different from the traditional software’s which you have to made a full payment up-front in order to get a perpetual license for the software.
Advantages of Software as a Service (SaaS)
- SaaS (Software as a Service) is Cheap: Cause a good impact for the more big corporations who don’t have to pay a large amount of capital up-front to get the service.
-Little Maintenance Required with SaaS (Software as a Service) (SaaS) provide an easier administration the does automatic updates and patch management. It will reduce IT support cost by outsourcing the hardware and software maintenance and support to the (SaaS) provider
-Less Hardware Required with SaaS (Software as a Service), Organization don’t really need to invest in additional hardware to support scalability. Disadvantages of SaaS (Software as a Service)
-A total dependency of the internet, relying on an internet connection means that the data is transferred to and from (SaaS) firm at the internet speed.
-Switching between vendors, this involves the slow and difficult task of transferring a large amount of data files over the internet.
-Security issue, as data is stored at the cloud, security becomes a major issue.

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